Empire Universe 2

well, I’ve clicked some links, and I have some stuff, and then I clicked some more links.

I’ve no idea how to attack people, how to increase things as there’s no tech tree that I’ve seen, just click what’s there!!

As you may notice, I’ve taken the WAR approach as per normal.


Please read this helps a bit im playing trader so if your war then im your man in a few weeks once mines up to scratch

The mods appear to be utter cocks
Typing in CAPS will get you a 24 hour chat ban it seems

I was looking for a way to disable that damn chat window, no way am I letting the kids play this one without an option to turn off the chat

Turn it to chillout zone not able to see the chat or write

that’s fine for me, but with no way to make sure the kids do that … it’s a :nono:

However, a quick block of a URL after running the game through a proxy, and bingo, chat is blocked :slight_smile:


that’s now restricted on my firewall, chat no longer opens :slight_smile: The other thing is HOW many 404 pages are requested by this game, there’s a few :frowning:


never had a one

Asteroid mining with one mining laser prototype produces approx 12500 resources per hour, which is orders of magnitude greater than my mines are doing. Also soon after my mining ship was produced asteroids mysteriously appeared - methinks the game made it so.

Title Gathering completed
Type Fleet
Date 22.06.2010 23:04
Your fleet Min1 has successfully gathered at Asteroid field (6793-77-8-71). The following resources have been gathered:

Titanium: 3.600
Uranium: 5.000
Hydrogen: 3.888

Oh and reading around noob protection only applies to planets, if you’re offworld only bashing protection applies until you hit 250,000. So fly at your own risk gents…

I should have been more verbose.

There’s a loading.htm page that is called for each part of the page, and that has a stylesheet link that doesn’t exist. You won’t see it unless you run through a proxy as the loading.htm page is just a pre-loader. I’ve posted it on the bugs section, I noticed it when looking to see which url blocked the chat :slight_smile:


Who gets to make up the scientists names ?

Research as planned

  • More effective nitrogen extraction researched successfully!
  • We are starting the research of "Simple impulse drive.
  • The following scientist are assigned to the current research:
    Ancient Ham
    Apel Crest
    Bottom Fayre
    Her Divel
    Muid Aker
    Dell Am
    Moor Blom
    Re Horne
    Snow Byr
    Swerd Falk
    Withy Warre

Finished mining the very small asteroid field (they disappear when mined out), take was

45000 Hydrogen
22000 Titanium
31000 Uranium

Goes without saying the profit on one “lancer” chassis with a prototype mining laser is hooooooge!

I’m struggling, at what point can I use more than one scientist on research?

My mines are doing nicely, but I want whatever ship is was that you just used :lol:


Research: to use more scientists increase the level of your research centre, every odd level upgrade (3,5,7 etc.) adds to the number of concurrent scientists you can use. level 3 here, two concurrent

Alternative: Buy Unobtainium or whatever its called from looki and use that to speed researches up :slight_smile:


2hrs remaining on building my Cutter Recycling Machine /res transporter.

Point to Note: When you fly you’ll use a lot of hydrogen, when you train your troops you’ll have to pay them. With ships you’ll need the Dock in order to carry out repairs to ships that get damaged (Oh yes, they get damaged in flight/battle, not to mention wear and tear - if I’m reading things right!).

The amount of Ikolium it takes to knock (serious) time off - TFW would be right “Demanding a refund” lol
As for the names of researchers: Probably not Carlsberg!

There are some experience points you can distribute too, I’ve been stacking them up against research in the hope they make a difference.

yeah I did that, now stacking them up on “battle” as I have no intention of digging or trading for “fun”

I was throwing mine into research & construction, seems to have done very little to make things easier though … so it’s battle all the way for me too :slight_smile:

… and 2 hrs until my little mining ship is built - got an asteroid with many copper very close - well I hope it’s close :lol:

If you can see it in the Star System screen, its close enough. If not, it probably requires warp in which case you probably can’t get to it…yet

me has a probe :slight_smile: I’m just expanding my ‘viewpoint’ by sending it to search other systems, all trial & error up to now though :shrug:

Currently in the terminally boring phase which happens from time to time, waiting for iron stores to build up, or some asteroids to mine, to get iron. Then I can build a barracks (gives 250000 troops) after banging through the ground warfare research with Unobtainium.

Why? I’ll tell you as/when I find out whether my cunning plan works :wink: