TPR Lan Event February 2019

I think it’s 2004 I have. Used to have both but not sure where the other went :thinking:

Nope, it’s 2003 I have.

“Not the Steps CD of course, that flew rather better than I expected, it is a windy day.”

Very surprised you let the wind deal with it, i thought you might have mauled / tortured it a bit first. Or blown it up…


I did fashion an adaptor to launch plastic bottles with compressed air but haven’t yet build a CD launcher.

A brief bit of research turned up a design though :smiley:

Why have you not already got one of those ?

** Shocked **


6core AMD thing with AMD480X gpu and some ram sticks.

Now I just have to remember to put it in whichever vehicle I decide to use

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Thank you! You’re a star :grin:

Not Long Now !!

So did you pick the Hotel by location or the almost Finbarr Saunders name ?

Those 14 million posts on the dark side seem to have done the job, no room at the lodge.

Still rooms at Travelodge Cheltenham - which is not far from where i live, so could give you a lift to / from.

Premiere inn Gloucester ( Brockworth ) - Thats close and easy to get to, Slim goes right past it on his way home.


Ibis - Gloucester - another one easy to get to :-

A lift can be arranged to / from any of the 3 if you want to get blasted…


Aslo :- Here

The Royal George.
Its about 3 minutes from the pub, and includes breakfast…


no kipping on the floor ?

Picked up a bug on my trip to Paris and feeling rather meh, so I’m gonna skip this one.

Ahh pants :unamused: Hope you feel better soon!

You were missed dude !!
Everyone asked where you were.
I told them you were in Paris Lingerie shopping, said you fancied something new.

Sounds like I was spot on.

