Are you 1337 at sp33king 1337?

How good are you at deciphering Leet SpeeK? to get you started, have a crack at these:

  1. 4|)V4||C3D l3e+$peA|< i$ whEn J00 +4lK L1K3 t|-|15. t0 u||d3r$+@||D jOo |/|u5+ be lEET. 1f J00 4r3 NO+ lEe+ jOO C@||N0T 5p3A|< 0r ReAd +|-|I5.

Done that? ok, j00 13371s+, try this;

2.£==7§¶=@/‹ ¿‡<=§ µ= @ 3@§§‡>= #=@Ð@©#=. (Hints: = is E, ‡ is I, > and < are both V.)

Try that one. I sure as hell cant make head nor tail of the second one, bt i got the first one str8 away:)
any more submissions the crack, or general discussion on 1337 sp33k welcome:)

More to Crack:

  1. //311, r19|-|7, 0||c3 1 4//\ 0|| //\y |-|4><0r3d k0p’/ 0f Q34, //h3|| 1 f1||d 4 +07411’/ U||l33+ d00d p14’/1||9 0||l1||3. |-|3 w45 50 b4d 1 0//||3d |-|1//\ b4d//4’/5! 1 +0+411’/ d35+R0’/3d |-|15 ll4//\4 455 //1+|-| //’/ R41l9u||, ||0, 1 //45’||+ c4//\p1||9, //’/ f//d |<3’/ l0|<3d & 1 |<0uld||’+ //\0v3 fr0m +h3 |-|1 c4//\p sp0+ & 1 0//||3d |-|1//!!

UH YA RIGHT :confused:

Mavis Beacon has despatched an elite Hit Squad with orders for you to be shot on sight.

Step away from the keyboard
Our agents will be with you shortly

! 63 4 1!7713 61+ 1337 6|_|7 ||()7 70 1337 7|-|4+ 1+'5 |-|4rd 70 r34d //\y 1337 5p3a|<

:stuck_out_tongue: Try to decipher that:flip:

  1. 4|)V4||C3D l3e+$peA|< i$ whEn J00 +4lK L1K3 t|-|15. t0 u||d3r$+@||D jOo |/|u5+ be lEET. 1f J00 4r3 NO+ lEe+ jOO C@||N0T 5p3A|< 0r ReAd +|-|I5.

I think it says:
Advanced leet speak is when you talk like this. To understand you must be leet. if you are not leet you cannot speak or read this.

! 63 4 1!7713 61+ 1337 6|_|7 ||()7 70 1337 7|-|4+ 1+'5 |-|4rd 70 r34d //\y 1337 5p3a|<

I be a little bit leet but not to leet that its hard to read my leet speak.

Still working on that 2nd one.

@ MrTFWitt :haha:

funnily enough i have a mavis beacon CD lying around somewhere…

Oh no, the agents are here! /quickly rubs ¦-¦a¦>¦>’/ ¦-¦4><0¦2 scrawled in pencil off the top of his keyboard.

Unfortunately I can read the first one at almost normal speed on the first attempt :rolleyes:

Too many years of fragging I think :cool:

Speak l33t?

that first one is easy, but the second?

i get " leetspeak gives me a massive headache."

hint : ‘µ’ is greek letter mu, hence the ‘m’

j00 |<||0V/ ][ ¶§ |)@ |33+3§+!!!

BOLLOX :smiley:

nuf said

Don’t you mean 3[]__()><? :stuck_out_tongue:

Leetspeak gives me a massive headache :slight_smile: