Genome weekly report, 20/03/2002

Genome@home Weekly Report

Team Status

As of approximately 06:30 20/03/2002, all production count in units unless otherwise indicated, +/- figures denote figures relative to last week.

Total units/genes: 107,907/9478 (+16121/1276 last 168 hours: +16337)
Team Rank: 40 (+4)
Active members: 23 (+2)
+4 Teams, mean production: 8278 (+3094)
-4 Teams, mean production: 1540 (-163)

The long chase continues. GENEtals continue to sit precariously 2667 units above us - the last daily totals are within a hair’s breadth for 2438.9 to 2444.3. Since last week however (irrespective of statsmans numbers) we are 100pts farther than last week’s total of 2540; current closest logged appraoch at ~860 about a week and a half ago. They continue to be the only team in the region to be putting up any resistance whatsover, no serious opposition lying 40,000 in either direction and between us there is a whole lot of stomping going on under the crossfire. There is grave news on the horizon though of a potentially “catastrophic” turn of events, our spies report they have a stompinator of their own in the making. Unfortunately they have photographs and so are actually serious :). continue to produce highly but considering the increase in output this week of +3258 or 20% are no immediate concern closing at only 2740 units in the last week and lie 44k behind us…as ever things can change, this week it was in our favour.

A couple of new members this week, goes without saying I hope your sojourn into the Genome realm is a happy one :).

Current Team listings:
34… 7…30.4…TeamFusion…127,877…+1,116.9
35… 2…22.2…Fat Man In A Bathtub Singing The Blues…117,892…+996.7
39…14…46.7…Hardware Analysis…110,017…+5,359.4
40…23…69.7…Phoenix Rising…107,907…+16,336.9
41…17…73.9…Team Evil…106,785…+4,674.0
Long range tracking:
57…28…70.0…WWW AMDMB COM…64,083…+18,861.6

Genome news page :: Genome Yahoo newsgroup

No news/scandalous rumours this week.

TPR Table Report
Top 10 producers:
Last 7 days, +/- figures denote relative production to last week, X denotes insufficient data

Alta Rica…1809…(+426)


Summed up by nitRAM better than I can yesterday.

[li]Topic headings are hyperlinked to data sources or relevant pages.
[/li][li]Total units/genes production for TPR is calculated since the last edition, last 168 hours data is for comparison with all other figures from statsman.
[/li][li]+/-4 team measure is the mean of average production of the nearby teams - in comparison with our own weekly output figures it gives an approximation of our output respective to peer teams. If +4 figures are high we’re going nowhere fast, if -4 figures are high we’re being outpaced.
[/li][li]Genome @home units will vary in length, ‘difficulty’ is approximated into required processing time with the units measure.
[/li][li]Appropriate TPR Genome/Folding Data and Links
[/li][li]Letters to the editor

Awww feck!

You’ve gone and got up early again and stolen me thunder :frowning:

Nice report though Alex, I’ll post mine with team detail shortly… :slight_smile:

Say… That’s a nice… report you got there, where did you get it:devil:

Nice one m8, looks like we’re definately on the up:nod:

Nice reportage Nitrile :slight_smile:

That’s a mighty fine testiculator them GENEtals have got going for them. Once that get’s fully online and processing I do believe that they will heading off into the distance at quite a rapid rate :frowning:
20 units per hour :eek:
Hopefully within 2 weeks I’ll have a dual rig running XP1900’s to help the cause but too little too late me thinks. Hey ho it all helps. What do you reckon by a top 20 spot by the end of the year.

According to statsman we will be at 25th spot by the middle of June, but 20th position is currently 200,000 units away.

Great report m8 :slight_smile:

Nice report, m8. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Interesting news on the GENEtals front :frowning:

Still, if we win the pimping contest then Gandelf could be forced to run Genome for a week on the Greyhound :smiley:

Thabks for the report!! Why are some ppl on minus??

Originally posted by Spike
Thabks for the report!! Why are some ppl on minus??
It’s comparative to their production last week, so taking me for example, last week I did 1432 units, this week 1424, so relative difference is -8.

Originally posted by Mulda
[B]Awww feck!

You’ve gone and got up early again and stolen me thunder :frowning:

Nice report though Alex, I’ll post mine with team detail shortly… :slight_smile: [/B]

Yes, sorry Mulda. I read your note in the SETI news…trouble is I’d nearly finished by then :/. Would it be more helpful for me to do this weekly report at a weekend?

Do ith whenever you like Alex - I don’t want to infringe on your excellent weekly replorts.

I just thought it would be better to do it as a separate item today considering there was no SETI news courtesy of B0rkeley :rolleyes:

If we ever get back to normality with SETI stats, then I’ll continue to place my report there as a supplement to The Flame.

Sure is is a nice report nitrile! Shame about Genetals new addition though. Seems that they may have noticed TPR.:wink:
Still, as thye say, things have a habit of changing.