Guess the project

should say its a verticle not horizontal antenna, but netted me +50% traffic over the type you made :blush:

I haven’t found the time to fashion anything yet.
Its using a mag mount of unknown frequency that came with the SDR.
This is stuck to a side panel from an ATX case and lobbed onto a pitched roof and sits at a jaunty angle not even above the ridge line.

In short it couldn’t be more half-arsed!

When I looked at the Franklin creation my mind was still in the world of creating 27Mhz dipoles.
Now I have seen some pictures of completed projects its quite a bit smaller than the creation I had in my head.

As the stats reset on the first of the month I have been jumping all over the place in the rankings but I reckon I will settle at about number 850 in the UK with my half arsed antenna and no pre-amps or filters.

Acceptable for a first attempt I reckon.

Next stage, to butcher a 5m SMA cable, make a Blue-Peter bendy wire creation and get it on a pole.

|Rank|Username|Score|Uptime|Max Range|Avg Range|
|991|Anonymous|9,387|707|135|72| < SMEEEE

Appologies saw the pic and thought you built. :tired_face:

Given I got that same ickle antenna on a magbase I will do a shed compare maybe Monday when I working from the shed. Will throw it on the antenna analyser and see where it is resonant. Given it dinky size it maybe close to a 1/2 wave at adsb :rofl:

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

well it did not fair too bad on the antenna analyser as far as SWR etc

In real life more roflol :zipper_mouth_face:

Remembering it just a shed test 2mtr above ground level and Cov19 limited air traffic else I’d expect to see >1000frames plus a second but the results are…

Cheap no frills NeSdr antenna 30-50 Frames a second
Franklin Antenna 140-200 Frames a second

Obviously multiply by 60 to get the usual count per min if inclined.

I guess the name change facility is word search filtered.

My transmitter has changed from Anonymous to Michael O’xlong.
Better known as Mike.

Ok, I made a Franklin out of a length of Steel Wire Armoured cable outer
Its a bit wonky and involves bits of drink straw, pictures may follow.

Its at the same height as the CBA mag mount but seems to be sending twice as much data.

Going to let it run for a while.

Good job :slight_smile: I think it next best thing to a coco / collinear but they are just too hard to build and get the characteristics correct as a DIY job.

Picture how i did mine into some 15mm heating pipe for mounting.

It was straighter when it went up, must be a bird-strike or possibly even a bumble bee that hit the top

This is the Mark-1 minimum arsed version it replaces

171 miles now

A properly windy day changed it to almost horizontal polarization.

Serviced restored once it stopped being bleak outside, windy days and wobbly ladders do not mix.


I’m out this place no longer works for me, new threads vanish into a void, old threads cannot be replied to.

Last one to leave flip the lights off.

… Flips switch … Just in case

something odd in the cantina?

what was the change in receive radius with the new antenna.
Expected gains to be huge over the Mk1 Ching-Chong Mag Mount.


Average range up to 112 Nm, max range 190Nm.
No filters or amplifiers in use.

My “Free” business subscription stopped working so its turned off now.

Anything with the word “Eurovision” in it has to be twisted and dodgy.


they are spoofing this