HELP! Linux/wine seti not uploading

got a linux box running wine and seti…

its got to the point where it uploads to my setiq server (XP) and it’s just sitting there.

I’ve tried uploading straight to berkeley by removing the --proxy bit, same result.

any thoughs ?

/edit: last two lines of nohup.out are
Using proxy server
Sending result - connecting to server.

and yes setiq is up and running and working for the 2 XP machines, and yes there is a net conn and no firewall :wink:

This Help?

looks most useful.

cd /setidir
while :
wine – ./setint303 -stop_after_process
./setiathome -stop_after_xfer -proxy

what does that code do ? I can’t seem to follow the “stop after process” stuff :confused:

PS I keep getting an error “Could not stat /cdrom (No such file or directory), ignoring drive D:”

/edit okay I’ve customised the code for my machine and still nothing… just sitting there “sending result” :frowning:

The stop_after_process tells the client to exit when its finished and not attempt to upload.

Stop_after_xfer means transfer units only, do no crunching.

The Wine combo can hang on occasions with large files so that why the loop uses the native version to do transfers.

ahhh thanks for the explanation :slight_smile:

still no joy though, still sits there trying to connect sigh

Originally posted by Spaceboy

while :
wine – windowssetiexe -stop_after_process -proxy
echo > stop_after_send.txt
linuxseti -stop_after_xfer -proxy
rm -f stop_after_send.txt

You might need to run the stop_after_xfer line at the shell yourself because the windows one is still hanging, before putting the script into operation.

If you put the two extra lines (echo and rm) in the script, SetiQueue doesn’t get confused because the stop_after_send.txt stops the linux client downloading a new work unit. In this case, you need the proxy settings on both seti commands.

ahhhhh you’re using the linux version of seti to transfer it !!! I SEE! :smiley:

/me goes off to sort it out :wink:

/edit YAY YAY YAY! Back to crunching :slight_smile: thanks all :thumbsup: