Ok well,
2nd interview is this morning,
So far i havent bumped my head wich is a good start :p,
And now i know where the place is i can get a train right in instead of getting a taxi
so the journy is gonna be about £20 cheaper :p.
Catch you all laters ill let you know how i got on :).
good luck andy… im just off ta work
Hopefully that will be me in a couple of weeks
Thanks bin
Best of luck Andy :xfinger:
Good luck Andy
Hope it goes well!
Well im back from glasgow,
In the first test i had to answer a telephone and take a message,
in the seccond test i had to copy a letter using M$ Word.
and also fill out a spreadsheet using M$ Excel,
It was all fairly simple and basic stuff.
but ive been told if i secure the position i will be working for the Glasgow city council I.T support side of things,
offering technical support with software and if anything goes wrong ill be helping in getting it all running again,
So i guess glasgow city councill is going to be blasted back to the stone age if they try and get me to fix stuff,
it will all be paper and pens
but anyway
all seemed to have went well :),
and the interveiw was basically who am i
what do i know
what do i know about the council
what do they do,
ect ect.
and it all went well,
the guy asked what would i do to deal with an irrate customer,
and i just explained the correct and civil way of dealing with it,
I.E a punch on the nose.
joking :p,
So ill find out if i have secured the position in 2-3 weeks time,
so watch this space
good luck andy