Malaria Control and Boinc 5.8.16

Recieved the following pm on Malaria Control today:

[I]Subject: many errors on your computer(s) at Malariacontrol
Sender: Dagorath
Date: 12 Jun 2007 17:09:14 UTC
Message: You are running an older version of BOINC which is crashing most of the mappredictor work units you receive from Malaricontrol. The mappredictor work units run fine on the currently recommended BOINC 5.8.16. Download it here.

If you are not able to update your BOINC then please opt out of the mappredictor WUs until you are able to update. Instructions for opting out are given in the first post in this thread in the Malariacontrol forums. You can opt out of the mappredictor WUs and continue to crunch the regular malariacontrol WUs. Please do not detach from Malariacontrol because the regular malariacontrol WUs run fine even on older versions of BOINC.

If you are a member of a team then please inform your team members.[/I]

The Mappredictor WU’s were known to be a source of trouble, but this has apparently been tracked down to some clients using an old version of Boinc. Worse, if you have one of those WU’s it can cause a Windows reporting error, causing that thread to hang until you manually service the error reporting window.

I know not many here crunch Malaria, but if you do, my advice is to update to 5.8.16 or to turn off running experimental units in your preferences.