@ Milhouse (2)

Anyone else from SkzDaLimit want to join our VIRTUAL TEAM - Team Ex-Skz ?

See 5th place here

Man, this VT is already climbin’ the charts… Looks like fun!

Mr Milhouse sir, could you please add


to his VT???

I for one would like to suggest a name change…remove the “ex”???

Originally posted by ike
I for one would like to suggest a name change…remove the “ex”???

… seems a mighty fine idea to me ike :nod:

Why’s it a GOOD IDEA ?

Us refusgees are EX SKZDALIMIT members and this is TPR.

Some of us left because Michael couldn’t be bothered to accept the help offered by the “active” team to assist in it’s maintenance and most of the rest because he shut the website down.

So we are EX-SKz. :realmad:

Oh yeah, this is just my opinion BTW but I suspect a few others may share it.

I woudln’t have suggested EX-SKZ if we weren’t would I ?

ooops point taken :ignore: :slight_smile:

<picks himself out of gutter, wipes away trickle of blood >

OK, don’t then…

Add me to that one too.

Doug Johnson

It was a nice thought Ike, but the old team is gone so we should stay as “ex”. I wouldn’t worry about the name too much. I think it’s cool that we are together again on a VT. We could be named the “worn yellow slipper group” and it wouldn’t bother me…much…

Could you also add Frank Lots to ex-Skz?

Originally posted by celticskyhawk
Could you also add Frank Lots to ex-Skz?

He is already in th VT

As regarding the discussion of our VT name…

Ex-Skz works for me. I used to be with Skzdalimit. It shut down, I’m now with TPR, but still proud of my affiliation with Skz. Ex usually doesn’t connote good things, ex-member, ex-wife, ex-employee, ex-meat eater, etc. In this case, however, I feel it’s appropriate.

I sure wish I could find my $!@#$!!@ password on my 1st account so I hadn’t had to start over… Man that sucks! Oh, well.

Have you changed ISPs like I did and so cant get the password e-mailed to you ?

Originally posted by Egad
It was a nice thought Ike, but the old team is gone so we should stay as “ex”. I wouldn’t worry about the name too much. I think it’s cool that we are together again on a VT. We could be named the “worn yellow slipper group” and it wouldn’t bother me…much…

Agree with the sentiments, and nicely expressed too…it was just a thought :shrug:

Please add me to the virtual team ex-skz too!

Me too, Me too!

Add me too, Please :slight_smile:


Michael “The Saint” Halliwell

Please add me to the ex-skz :smiley: