More nano news

Some more news from nanoHive@home

We are currently in position 44

We have 2 more people who joined us say hello to
and Owner:D

Total credit: 53,873.60
RAC: 1,252.86

Foe more details

Only about 10k WU left until theres going to be a pause in WU availibility

Okay there are no more WU left
Heres what they say

April 24, 2007
The NanoHive@Home Tooltip Failure Mode Search Project is coming to a successful end and the results are being organized, analyzed, and prepared for presentation in the Results Gallery, and for peer-reviewed publication. Notice will be sent when the Results Gallery is complete, and when the publication(s) are made. The next NHAH project is currently in planning stages and notice will be sent once it’s been decided on, and as the project start approaches