Rosetta Flame 16/03/2008

16 March 2008

</td><td align=“right”>15-Mar-2008 21:30 </td><td align=“right”> 11M</td></tr> (server time and XML size)

New Recruits

No leavers :slight_smile:

Daily Big Hitters

 1 Burlsey                                    1503
 2 DoubleTop                                   816
 3 TPR_Mojo                                    603
 4 fillup                                      563
 5 Daniel Brady                                454
 6 M.D. Petermeier                             357
 7 Richard Ellis                               327
 8 Monitor-Man                                 314
 9 mr.kjellen                                  287
10 TwoFaced                                    276

Rolling Week Big Hitters

 1 Burlsey                                   15967
 2 DoubleTop                                  8375
 3 TPR_Mojo                                   5504
 4 mr.kjellen                                 4688
 5 M.D. Petermeier                            4569
 6 Monitor-Man                                3705
 7 fillup                                     2858
 8 Daniel Brady                               2553
 9 spirit_of_the_sixties                      2116
10 TwoFaced                                   1962

Premier League
Droid moves up 1 place to 30th stomping charlie1

Division 1
Wile moves up 1 place to 13th stomping tasi

Division 2

Another place “leap”!! :smiley: Cheers for the nooz Curly

Thanks Curly…I can see you in my wing mirrors Droid…try not to make too much turbulence as you pass, my stabaliser fell off the Zimmer frame yesterday !!!:whiteflag:

:lol: I’ll be careful Jim :smiley: