1 year Anniversary!

Everyone please join me in wishing Mojo and his lovely wife a happy 1 year anniversary of their establishment :kisskiss: (and our lan location :D), and hope they will both have more many happy years running it :slight_smile:

Hope you all have a great time over the weekend :thumbsup:

YAY! Way to go :thumbsup:

Keep up the good work for MANY years to come :wink:

Congratulations, and many more to come :smiley: :banana:

:thumbsup: :worship: Good Grub, Fine Ales, Great Hosts :nod:

err …

oh yes …

… comfortable floors too :lol:

Happy 1st Anniversary!

I would be there but I just love work so much that when they call…

I spring out of bed just to answer the phone:eek: :frowning:

Have a Great day and see you later.
Bob-A-Job signing off

:o got to get some sleep before the phone rings again…:o

congrats m8 hope you have many more years there
might be able to make it up there one day :slight_smile:

Wow, it’s been that long already?! Congrats m8, I also hope to get up there sometime in the near future :nod:


Well done, both of you. I know you have worked extremely hard to get the pub where it is today. I also know that the work started more than a year ago!

Thankyou so much for making us feel welcome every time we come.

Enjoy your celebrations today :slight_smile:

You got a place to be proud of there cracking Pub
you’ve all done a good job :thumbsup:

Congradulations on one year. :nod:

cracking pub and cracking people, keep up the good work guys.
heres to the next year :cheers: (and next mojo’s meet :wink: )


Well I’m here at the inn, I’ll ensure Mojo get’s a chance at some point today to reply to to this, it’s v.busy and it’s just going to bet worse / better (depending on perspective)

catch you all l8er…


Haven’t long got back from the celebrations myself. It was a great afternoon. :hat:

Congrats to Martin and Bev:D

Thanks peeps for the kind wishes.

We are both utterly knackered today, did 50 lunches (was praying for just 2 or 3 :wink: ) and to be honest I’m done in. My poor old body is telling me that tug of war and the like are not for me!

It was a great day for us, thanks a million for your support those who came down, apologies as usual that we didn’t have much time to spend with you.

I think I’ll be at the Lowfield for some years to come, it’s a crusty old hole but I kinda like it. Looking to buy a second pub in the next 12 months, hopefully will have 4 or 5 by the time I hit 50 :crossedfingerssmiley: at which point I can relax, put on more weight and content myself with annoying all my pub managers :slight_smile:

Anyhoo, must go, hopefully will see loads of you at the next do.
