101 Uses for.....

the coke can be used to make us sugar junkys happy too

Target practice.

As a fearsome projectile in a large bore spud-gun

cut off top and botton of can and split longways. flatten out and the use to block light from the back side of a coleman lantern while fishing :smiley:

The can can be used a portable toilet in an emergency :eyes:

Not that I have ever tried it myself :rolleyes:

what’s a shim?

A type of spacer to get something to align better.

oh thanks

Crushing when angry, lobbing when crushing doesn’t work, then recycle to start again…

selling ?

i think it’s called vending


I think he means selling them for recyle. Here in the states, you can get ~$.30 lb for used aluminum cans.

A capacitor. -> http://www.tompolk.com/crystalradios/cokecancapacitor.html

Possible (un-checked uses) for the can CONTENTS (doh)

relieve jelly fish sting
Tanning lotion
clean tile grout
clean the hull of a submarine
added to a wash, it removes the fish smell

and an effective de-icer…

some people…

where i nicked it from…

for a can…
make a vespa

or a tux

to litter my desktop with, so I have no space for my mouse or my Nostromo N52 gaming controller…

you could use it as a pen holder