16 years

Just poking around the s@h site while trying to get boinc running on an android phone. Noticed it says I’ve been doing it since 26 May 1999! Anyone beat that? It was the first widely publicised crunching project so I’d expect many might have started around then too.

Wonder how many credits you get from a phone? Don’t expect me to terrorise the leaderboards any time soon.

Only a few of us crunching now it looks like. I came to the party later on with BOINC. I do remember life mapper and seti in the early years some where around 1990’s that time but was with another group then (skyzthelimit - spelling). Allowing our computers to work toward answers of science is all our goals (little or a lot) so adding any systems just helps. I think once I hit 500,000,000 I’ll start the scale back process as it is getting to be costly and well the fun is fleeting now. Oh well time to go code some more and watch life tick tick away with hopes the answers come soon - getting old sucks but life is what you put in! One other note - crunching is fun, only way I know to beat up on other geeks without having to use a weapon, LOL!

I started SETI in December of 2000, so you have me beat. Those were the good ol’ days :smiley:

Started SETI in 2002 so you got me beat as well Mackerel and after registering and crunching for a long while, got picked up by Ridds and asked to join TPR. Been here ever since. Only got 13 years in at the mo with DC and haven’t crunched SETI for a while, but still like to keep at least one of the machines ticking over. Seems a shame to waste CPU cycles, when there are so many good causes out there to crunch for. :slight_smile:

wow, july 2002 Boinc has me listed from - I remember vaguely trying really hard to hit seti classic goals before hitting the boinc train though

September 2001 for me… Havent really bothered with SETI much for years…

I didn’t realise I was so early in comparison. As said, I saw it on the news or similar, and joined in. Looking it up, it had only been publicly running for just over a week or so at the time I joined, so maybe there isn’t so much scope to join that much earlier.

I’ve largely given up on the phone seti crunching, and wont do more once existing cache runs out. Units run for around 8 hours and you get around 50 credits each. I’m not into credits, but if it is any indication of work done, it is nothing. Going to see if World Community Grid might be more time worthy.

November 02 for me, I remember the rush for SETI classic milestones before BOINC took over, Helli and I posted the first official BOINC points on 8th of June 2004, http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=22

I had been crunching for the “Darkside” until the evil Spie kicked me for disagreeing with him. I then found refuge here and have stuck around ever since. And to this day OCUK has never received a single penny of the thousands I have spent on upgrades.