16th July 2003 - an sad day in history

Originally posted by TheFiend(TPR)
Is the Dictator over there is fighting a last stand (there are similarities to Iraq by the look of if)

Comparing Spie to Saddam Hussein… I like it :smiley:

Originally posted by MAOJC
[B]On a less serious note, which of these blokes is you Sir? I just want to get it right when you do join up over here for the rogues gallery! get yer arse in here NOW!

and I promise to stop picking on you when you join. NOT [/B]

I most closely resemble the one on the left :wink: :smiley:

Originally posted by LUC1FER
[B]you know what to do my good chap :wink:

JOIN US :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: [/B]

Lucifer, I guess Talieysn just doesn’t “feel the force”
He may, but only he can choose his path.

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Lucifer, I guess Talieysn just doesn’t “feel the force”
He may but only he can choose his path.

Those sheep are certainly feeling something - I don’t think it’s The Force though :wink:

Originally posted by Mulda
Those sheep are certainly feeling something - I don’t think it’s The Force though :wink:

LMAO! Good one! :haha:

Originally posted by Mulda
Those sheep are certainly feeling something - I don’t think it’s The Force though :wink:

Definately somw light sabre skills going on though :smiley: :devil: