A few GPU's and other stuffs

I have a few GPU’s for sale, just waiting for the boat to arrive with my things

4x Gainward Phoenix RTX3070TI
1x Zotac RTX3070TI brand new, RMA replacement
1x MSI RTX3070TI
1x EVGA RTX3070 XC3 Ultra

Superflower 1600 Watt Titanium PSU
Superflower 1600 Watt Gold PSU
EVGA 1600 Watt Titanium T2 PSU

MSI Z490 Gaming Plus (I think)
i3 10105F CPU

I am open to offers, they were all used for mining but were in an aircon environment and well maintained.


mining kit … have you any spare slots on your rigs?

The Gainwards are by far the better cards for mining, the coolers keep the cards under 80C on the hotspots. The MSI and Zotac were around 90 even in an airconditioned room at 20C.

Obviously the 3070 was under 50 as it’s DDR6 non X Ram.

Apologies, I have updated the CPU, it is an i3 10105F

Anyone still mining ?
I still have a few boxes mining Ravencoin & another one mining Chia.


All my stuff has arrived so if anyone is interested in anything please PM me an offer.

I also have a Samsung 65" UA65N8000 TV for sale for 250 quid.

Sold a few 3070TI’s for 325 each, still have 3 left, all Gainward.

Anyone interested in the 1600 watt power supplies?

175 for the Super Flower Gold
220 each for the EVGA and Super Flower Titanium

80 for the Z490 board with i3 proc
260 for the EVGA 3070 XC3 Ultra

All boxes, cables, accessories etc included.