A VBS & NT4 Domain Question,

OK, yes I know it’s not an access question but here you go somone will know the answer.

On a ono AD domain (NT4 DC) I need to search alll the user accounts and depending on whats in the title box assign them to a specific security group. I’m sure it can be done using VBS but I’m buggerd if I can work out how.

any assistance greatfully recieved.

Just in case you don’t know about Microsoft’s Script Center, here is a link for it.


Near the bottom of the page is “Additional Script Center Resources”…
If you click the “Scripting Tools” link, you will come across my favorite resource:

the “Do-It-Yourself Script Center Kit”.

…but in case you do know about this stuff, where do you need help? Searching through the user accounts, or assigning [one of] them to a specific group?

I think I can do the searching through the accounts bit, it’ll be the assigning a group thing, I can find stuff on doing it on the net but it’s all AD related.