And another ex-skz member.

Hello to all the fine people within Team Phoenix Rising. Yes, another ex-member of SkaDaLimit. Too bad Michael pulled the plug, but I’m already feeling at home in this great team.:wink:

Howdy Frank! :wave:

Hello Frank, welcome

Welcome to the team, Frank! :wave:

Welcome aboard Frank. :nod:

Have a banana. :banana: :banana: :banana:

Hi Frank and welcome to the team :wave:

Welcome :wavey:

I’m gonna :cuddle: Frank, lots:D

Its good to see you made it over Frank!

…and greetings from me also, Frank!

Welcome Frank:)


:wave: welcome aboard :slight_smile:

Nice to see you again,:smiley:

Welcome aboard:cool:

Welcome :smiley:

Welcome Frank to this fine team :wave:

Welcome! :wavey:

Welcome in Frank :wave:

Welcome :slight_smile:

One rule: Have Fun

Welcome Back

Have a Nice Time