AthlonMB has lost their Top Cruncher

Originally posted by jimwyser
I’ve been around this WWW for a great many years. And in all areas there are cheaters. I hated that in the begining but there is nothing I can do about it. I know what I do. And I know how I feel at the end of the day cause I managed to cut 20 min off of my WU time. I am here cause (like I said in another thred awhile back) I love this team. I feel all of you are a straight shooting group. No BS, No Crap just happy to be here doing what you love doing. You are a great bunch all off you. Pat yourself on the back. WE might not make No. 1 but we know we did it honorably. Which in my book always makes me happy no matter where my rank ended me up at…

This guy understands TPR, have a :cuddle: jim

yes so it is,

that i have to say

in two months, when BOINC@Setiathome will be starting, we will take a look

at the top crunchers

i bet that we miss a lot of old Friends

Sir Ulli.