AthlonMB has lost their Top Cruncher

at least ca 2.000 WUs a Day

the Reason is here

only for Info

Sir Ulli

Those are all very disturbing threads. I’m glad TPR has not been infected by the people that plague the members of ambmb.

Thanks for pointing it out Sir Ulli. :nod:

And as I mentioned before, the very Number 1, MoS (ave = 9700/day) is IMHO suspicious too, but I don’t have means/time to try to prove it.

mmm wonder what mos will say…

I think it’s been said before that MoS runs/manages/owns a dirty great datacentre somewhere thats running 24/7/365 as hot-standby.
I wonder how much internet bandwidth it takes each day to upload & download 10,000+ WUs?

Originally posted by O’Borg
I think it’s been said before that MoS runs/manages/owns a dirty great datacentre somewhere thats running 24/7/365 as hot-standby.
I wonder how much internet bandwidth it takes each day to upload & download 10,000+ WUs?

341k down 3 to 4 k up :slight_smile:

figure it out. 350K per dl and about 8k per in the up direction.

350k X 10000 = 3.50 gig
8k X 10000 = 80 meg.

If the math in my head is right

I think MoS is definately legit, but some of the other patterns of exponential growth mentioned in these TLC and AMDMB threads are decidedly suspect. :frowning:

Hee hee - they even tried to put suspicion on TPR 'til the next thread told 'em about Skz demise; also, on wizray (from PC Format) who has had one or two memorable skirmishes with Skz back then!!

Some ppl make me throw up each time:

“I average 25-30 WU’s a day but that’s not enough to keep one’s WW rank, let alone to advance. I’m now #2870, about a month ago I was #2840 or better. It’s hard to beleive there are so many legit crunchers suddenly improving their production.”

Small and narrow minded person not able to understand that there are more than 1 or 2 ppl in this world able and willing to upgrade their hardware and/or add machines to what they are already crunching with. So his simply solution is: They must be cheating. Spending all his time to find those ‘cheaters’ instead of spending a single thought about how he might be able to improve his own chrunching power.

2 top of the line computers of today can stomp him into the ground faster than he can add 1 and 1 with his fingers. With the upcoming new cpu’s the day is close where you will only need 1 Athlon64 or P4 to archive the same number of WU’s.

We know there are cheats out there and we know some ppl are still using them, sad truth.
Accusing everyone who is crunching more than he is doing, is simply to :puke:
Let’s watch out that we are not getting infected with this sort of ppl.

We have everything from dedicated power crunchers to small contributors in this team and noone here is valued by the amount he is able to dump. Let’s keep it this way and not get jealous about a WU someone else is able to send to Berkeley more than you do.

Is it that time of year already ?

The annual silly season where fingers are pointed and toys are thrown ever increasing distances from an assortment of prams.

Have a look here to put all this fretting about cheating into perspective.

Thats right, over 1.2 MILLION results were sent to Berkeley yesterday giving enough computing power on tap to re-process any suspect results within a few hours.

Giving up processing because there are a few people getting off on making a byte counter increase will only harm the project. Bad units will make up an ever increasing percentage of the returns and create work for Berkeley in more intensive sifting of the results.
At this stage of the project I doubt there is any money left to add more code to the Seti-1 client for result validation.

My prediction is that when bad results reach a certain percentage the project will stop, overnight and without warning.

So if you give up and let the bad guys get ahead its game over for this project until Boinc becomes bug free.

I guess 1/2 the fun for cheats is seeing the reaction of the self appointed “Seti Police”

I am very glad I am on this team :slight_smile:

Originally posted by M@tt
[B]I guess 1/2 the fun for cheats is seeing the reaction of the self appointed “Seti Police”

I am very glad I am on this team :slight_smile: [/B]

Here here.
I looked at some of the “suspects” pointed out by the seti police and I think they are grasping at straws. The arguments in the thread I just read aren’t entirely consistant and are liberally dispersed with whining.

Seti@NL is number four because they have 4,300 members. Their distribution of producers, semi retired, retired, slackers, etc. seems very much like TPR. (Not that I would ever accuse TPR of harboring slackers.) There will always be people who will sieze upon the opportunity to use large numbers of work computers to crunch for SETI. If I see the chance I know I will.

Look at Fadamor and his school computers. When his numbers take off again in September will he be labeled a cheat?

If Berkeley suspects cheating activity they just hand those same work units out again to someone else. Since they have found cheats in the past, it’s reasonable to assume they scan for them from time to time.

I’m glad this crap doesn’t infect TPR, our happy and cheerful home. :slight_smile:

Think of it this way…They are the one(s) with the issues. The cheaters will always be out there, everywhere. We should think of it as…they will get caught and if not so what…we know how we did it…we setup a few 5+ computers for me and spent our $$$ for maybe a noble cause…heck I do it for…hmmm not really sure…I think it’s just because I can. Heck I just spent $400us more on new XP2600+ and more ram and new MOBO so tell me I’m just nuts…I’m a programmer that likes the fellowship here and also the other true SETI junkies…We love crunching…period.

Oh yea the 2600 goes on line Saturday…extra WU for me coming soon…



That is the dumbest thing i ever heard. Just because some guys are producing high :woot: I can’t call them cheaters when I dont’t know the facts, what is behind those:woot:
If I could get my hands on a large farm I wouldn’t wait and would put seti on it.
Besides for an average of 2000 :woot: it would only take ~250PC’s from an speed of P4 2GHz.:confused:
And that is not much in an middle sized company;)

Keep your fingers crossed everyone that I get the job I’m vying for at IBM in Armonk, NY. I understand they have computers. :smiley:

hmmm they may have one or two laying about somewhere :lol:

Originally posted by STEP2000
Think of it this way…They are the one(s) with the issues. The cheaters will always be out there, everywhere. We should think of it as…they will get caught and if not so what…we know how we did it…we setup a few 5+ computers for me and spent our $$$ for maybe a noble cause…heck I do it for…hmmm not really sure…I think it’s just because I can. Heck I just spent $400us more on new XP2600+ and more ram and new MOBO so tell me I’m just nuts…I’m a programmer that likes the fellowship here and also the other true SETI junkies…We love crunching…period.

well said that man :slight_smile: :wink:

Oh yea the 2600 goes on line Saturday…extra WU for me coming soon…

ur production is higher than mine CHEAT!!! :flip:



Almost pissed my pants with that last line…got a great big laugh here…
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Not cheating here…Greg

Overclockers.Com team had a big cheat (or two IIRC) in their team earlier in the year. His average time per WU was about 1hr 20 minutes which he claimed to be doing on a P4.
OC did the honourable thing and booted him out of the team (twice as he came back), even though it meant we stomped them on our way to 18th (we since fell back to 20th, then climbed agian thanks to the ex-SKZ and ex-OCUK guys)

A quick way to see if someones cheating is to compare their average WU time to the number of WU they have and the day they started crunching. If someone claims sub 1hr woots, 50,000 completed and they joined Seti last week, then you may get suspicious :wink:

I’ve been around this WWW for a great many years. And in all areas there are cheaters. I hated that in the begining but there is nothing I can do about it. I know what I do. And I know how I feel at the end of the day cause I managed to cut 20 min off of my WU time. I am here cause (like I said in another thred awhile back) I love this team. I feel all of you are a straight shooting group. No BS, No Crap just happy to be here doing what you love doing. You are a great bunch all off you. Pat yourself on the back. WE might not make No. 1 but we know we did it honorably. Which in my book always makes me happy no matter where my rank ended me up at…