
How do one prgress so one can get another avatar?:confused:

:spam: :spam: :spam: :spam:

oh.and …


just ask Dale :wink:


Post count m8… Also by winning a competition or being a moderator.

Get spamming. :smiley:

Oooh, 10 more posts 'till my next one. Emergency spamming full steam ahead! :smiley:

Originally posted by Bibby
Oooh, 10 more posts 'till my next one. Emergency spamming full steam ahead! :smiley:

:scared: :scared:

please no!!!

bit late for the crack pipe isnt it?



Crack pipe? Chance would be a fine thing, but you never share it…pipe hogger! :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Bibby
Oooh, 10 more posts 'till my next one.

So how many post for my first new avatar?

I can’t remember. It might say in your profile under the avatars option?

It was 50 so:spam: :spam: :spam: and more:spammed:

Oh well, I was wrong about a new one at 2000. :amstupid:

Just remember though, your post count can decrease also (:wink: ), so be careful about spaming too much.


Originally posted by Bibby
Oh well, I was wrong about a new one at 2000. :amstupid:

Yeah mate - its 2500 before you get to be a podracer :rolleyes: - I just found that out as well! :doh:

Oh well i just need to continue on word thread.:spammed:

I thought this was a question about Avatar thread. :nod:

It appears to have turned into a :spam: :spam: :spammed: thread.

Damn I need 50?? Arghh…I’ll get there soon enough :wink:

yes there is nothing like avatar growth…

Here is a list of AVATARS



Originally posted by Bibby
Oooh, 10 more posts 'till my next one. Emergency spamming full steam ahead! :smiley:

Ah ha! So that’s why :stuck_out_tongue:

The stretch from 1000 - 2500 is a long one.

Only dedicated spammers need apply.

I’ve been promoted. Just reached 50 posts. Go me! :wiggle: