Trying to calculate an average and send it to another file so I’m using the command
sed 1d data.dat | awk '{ print $1," "$2," "$3," "$4," ",$3/$2 }' > test.csv
The first line needs to be removed because it’s a 0 and then awk throws an error and refuses to average.
Awk does it stuff but doesn’t output the data as I want it. It does this
03/09/10 1 47 618
03/10/10 4 226 577
03/11/10 8 452 536
when I want it to all on one line.
Any ideas why this is?
something to do with the final " " on its own followed immediately by a comma ?
Remove that and its still on anorther line, just not tabbed in.
did you remove the " " or the comma ?
I know nothing but my heart says looking at it the last comma needs removing from the orginal as it seems structured tab&field but last bit its tab & new statement.
Removing the last comma didn’t have any effect Nor did removing any of the commas to be honest!
I’ve narrowed it down to adding column $4 which is the end of the row.
sed 1d data.dat | awk '{sum=$3/$2; print $1" "$2" "$3" "sum}' > test.csv
03/09/10 1 47 47
03/10/10 4 226 56.5
03/11/10 8 452 56.5
sed 1d data.dat | awk '{sum=$3/$2; print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "sum}' > test.csv
03/09/10 1 47 618
03/10/10 4 226 577
Only reason I can think it’s doing that is because $4 somehow has a new line command there (well I guess it does as that’s the last datset on that row) Any ideas?
any chance of a copy/paste of data.dat ?
Sorted it now with the help of everyone
awk '$3!=0 || $2!=0{gsub(/\r/,"",$4);print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$3/$2}' data.dat > test.csv
$4 had a carriage with it (\r not
) - remove that and it disappears and everything’s as it should be.
Ta. Had something similar, worked for me too. Cheers peeps:tiphat: