BOINC 6.6.36 Has Been Released

BOINC version 6.6.36 (for Windows) has been released.

Which is incredible, since it has undergone almost no testing. Approach with caution.

I do find that quite strange as it is only 35% complete in testing :eek:

Going to run through the tests now :slight_smile:


Maybe the previous version had some serious problems (as Heidi reported).

Well, 6.6.36 for Windows is at least not trashing the entire CUDA cache, as '34 and '35 were. However, there are some fatal dependency issues with the Linux version. 6.6.36 was pulled from recommendation early today for Linux and backed off to 6.4.5 I believe. I haven’t heard a lot of screaming about the Windows version, but would advise caution.