

Stop slacking, You must have more horse power?

Yours sincerely

Your Soon To Be Stomper


LOL… @ issuing another :stomp: warning to Butuz when you still haven’t caught me yet!!! :Poke:

Haha fair enough… your due in 29days :stuck_out_tongue:

Andy has 9 days :stuck_out_tongue:



:Poke: :Poke: :Poke: :Poke: 81 days to go for :stomp: :stomp: :stomp: :stomp:

:confused: sorry I cut down the farm to none at the moment.

Needs must innit!! Be gentle when you stomp me.


5 Days time and the Stomp will happen.

Sorry :wink:

Shhhhhhh… nobody wake Butuz… he is about to be :stomp: again!!!

I’ll keep Schtum. Shhh! :lol: