Stop slacking, You must have more horse power?
Yours sincerely
Your Soon To Be Stomper
Stop slacking, You must have more horse power?
Yours sincerely
Your Soon To Be Stomper
LOL… @ issuing another :stomp: warning to Butuz when you still haven’t caught me yet!!! :Poke:
Haha fair enough… your due in 29days
Andy has 9 days
:Poke: :Poke: :Poke: :Poke: 81 days to go for :stomp: :stomp: :stomp: :stomp:
sorry I cut down the farm to none at the moment.
Needs must innit!! Be gentle when you stomp me.
5 Days time and the Stomp will happen.
Shhhhhhh… nobody wake Butuz… he is about to be :stomp: again!!!
I’ll keep Schtum. Shhh! :lol: