Well, I didn’t want to have to do this
But, we’ve fallen rather short of being able to pay for the dedicated server from the bank balance of TPR affiliate monies and previous donations.
The state of our finances in a very small nutshell
We have a vBulletin ‘owned’ licence, this means that we can run the forums forever and ever For upgrades, that’s about £40 a year if you have an owned licence, double that if not, there or thereabouts. May not be those figures but you get the idea, having an owned licence is better in the long run.
We have the lan-party gigabit switch sat in my loft, I’ve not made an active effort to sell this, but do have a couple of people who have shown interest.
I took out account, the amount for the low-level VPS and that left us with £23 ish in funds. That simply did not cope with the forums at all So we moved up a level, back to a newer dedicated with more power than the old one and a better OS, for less per year. I got a full refund for the VPS.
The upshot however, is that the server cost £276 more than we had
Bank transfer, cheques or postal orders preferred, but I will create a TPR paypal account if there is enough demand.
We don’t need a lot, and if we get more than what we do need, it’s sits in an account for if we wanted to expand or buy someother software to run on the server.
So please remember to use the affiliate links on www.crunchyhog.co.uk I can tell you where 80% of the income from the affiliate links comes from as I use them all the time wherever possible for work stuff
PM for details if you wish to make a straight to fund donation towards the running costs.