Just wondering if anyone had any recommendations for Php Captcha’s scripts
** Please no googling
I want genuine honest responses off anyone in the know who can highly recommend a particular type of script.
There are plenty of simple Captcha scripts I could go with, but after having a read of methods used to read them …I am anchoring for something more 2008/9 in its coding rather than donkeys years old.
Had seen something the other night but lost its webs address and I don’t cache history/pages on my netbook
but then I would say that as it was my invention :lol: Once I get my budgets sorted, I’ll be offering that as a FREE hosted solution. Going to be a little while though
I’ve had a couple of ‘user feedback’ reports from a large USA real estate business, they implemented traditional captcha on the contact us form as they were being bot-hit. Customer call centre had to get extra temp staff in to cope as people called instead of using the form. Shocking :eek:
[QUOTE=DoubleTop;433518]wow - some of those it’s producing are horrible!!
I did say it produced some stinkers
I am sure I will use a different font TBH but I am just having such a laugh with adding new code for the background rendering
//Edit… I think I might stick with that now… stripped some hard characters out like j & g and added £ & ?
anyone who can’t read it does not deserve to proceed past the captcha :lol: