Changes to Divisions/Leagues, etc.?

Just wondering what the “big dogs” that run this show are thinking about in terms of changing up the Divisions/Leagues area of the team. We had quite a lot of comments, but hadn’t heard anything for a while. Guess I just got too curious to hold back my fingers! :smiley:

Sorry about the delay OgrePete

I have stuck the two polls now, so anyone who has not voted can, then maybe Monday we could start another poll so we can vote on the sizes of each division.

Originally posted by OgrePete
“big dogs” that run this show

Some members are organizers, moderate forums, write the daily flame and other important tasks. The concept of Big Dogs is one we like to get away from here. Matt and others are working to sift the poll ideas to simplify the choices. We’ll all hear soon.

Would help if more people voted :slight_smile:

Only 40 have voted in one & 24 in the other, out of over 600 members - not sure how many of those 600ish are registered on the Forum though :chin:

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Some members are organizers, moderate forums, write the daily flame and other important tasks. The concept of Big Dogs is one we like to get away from here. Matt and others are working to sift the poll ideas to simplify the choices. We’ll all hear soon.

Sorry about that…:frowning: Didn’t mean to offend anyone. I like the idea of getting away from the “Big Dog” concept, myself. Thanks to all those who are helping. :wink:

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Some members are organizers, moderate forums, write the daily flame and other important tasks. The concept of Big Dogs is one we like to get away from here. Matt and others are working to sift the poll ideas to simplify the choices. We’ll all hear soon.

That’s a splendid attitude and the reason I’m here. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: