Chip Topping

So was sat down with a pie and chips the other night, and as I popped the top off the curry sauce, I wondered what other people put on their chips. As one does.

Hence my previous post about a poll, those that be seem to have kindly stumped up the authorita. :slight_smile:

I’m a curry sauce man meself, how’s about you?

Hmmm, no Tabasco? or sweet chili?

Deffo my 2 choices.

none of them - I like helmans mayo on mine :slight_smile:

GRAVY! … oooh aye, gravy 'n chips…

Where’s the Satan’s Blood? :hehehmm:

Garlic mayonaisse goes a treat.
As does honey mustard or even plain mustard.

ah, can’t eat spuds any more cause of the blood sugar thing! :frowning: Gawd I love them!

depends on where and when, but generally ketchup and salt (lots)


Me is a gravy man :nod: … as long as it’s thick, can’t stand the thin watery stuff :frowning:

Originally posted by wolram
Me is a gravy man :nod: … as long as it’s thick, can’t stand the thin watery stuff :frowning:

Wahey! Finally, another who likes the wavey gravy! :wave:

CUSTARD of course! :smiley: I thought that’s what everyone had???:cool:

Mushy peas (if I remember to buy them!) :nod:

Had pie and chips for my tea tonight with plenty of curry sauce :smiley:
and very nice to.

Originally posted by Donna^^O^^Darko
CUSTARD of course! :smiley: I thought that’s what everyone had???:cool:

:eek: We might be crazy … we know we’re insane :spin:

but we aint stoooopid when it involves chips :lol: :lol:

Heinz Tomato Ketchup :slight_smile:

Tomato sauce is my #1, but depending on my mood, then I might use salad cream. Curry (chip shop style) is nice, as is mushy peas but only if served with a nice bit of fish too.

Anyone ever tried vinegar on toast? I once put vinegar on my mates toast, as a joke, but it backfired when He liked it! :rotate: Now we are both converts to vinegar on toast!

mushy peas! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotta be tomato ketchup, though I am partial to mayo sometimes
