coding help, with maps...

Okay what I need is to gather information from “users”…

I’d like to display a map (eg google maps via their API) and allow the user to stick a “pin” in the map to mark a point, along with a comment or label. This bit doesn’t seem too bad as there’s shareable map stuff that lets you do this.

What I need to do however is to get access to the location of each “pin” along with its associated label/comment and store the data, presumably as OS co-ords.

Any thoughts ? :smiley:

seems google map api’s might be the way to go for this as we should be able to get access to “kml” info associated with the pins…

now to test out the wife and my html / javascript skills - oh dear :smiley:

:lol: give me a shout in shoutbox on the `morrow m’duck if ya get stuck


Cheers DT :thumbsup: See what the morrow brings and how the API works :smiley: