command for?

what is the command to see what processes linux is running?

thanx :slight_smile:

edit: found it ps -A :rolleyes:

Originally posted by LUC1FER
[B]what is the command to see what processes linux is running?

thanx :slight_smile:

edit: found it ps -A :rolleyes: [/B]

There are lots of variations on ps.

ps -ef is my favorite.

You might also look at the β€œtop” comand for processor usage, i.e. the top running commands. :wink:

try this one

ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep seti


thanks :slight_smile:

about a month ago i tried to get seti to run on the IPcop box and could never seem to get it to start up, but had a power cut today so the box went off and when i rebooted, it started running at full load and just wanted to check it was seti, which it is

so ive no idea how its started working all of a sudden, ahhh well if aint broken dont fix it :wink: :slight_smile:

cheers again :slight_smile: