Congrulations to Michael ...

…my eldest son :smiley:

for …

being published in “The Big Poetry Machine” collection of young writers poetry from the South of England :clap: :clap:

He wrote that when he was ten, and is now treating it as a teenager would with a resounding “phumph” well Dad says well done !!!

:funknana: :funknana: :funknana:
He has always liked the dancing `nana’s :lol:

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Good on him DT.

Well done Michael :thumbsup:

Well done Michael!

Just tell him his next publication might earn him a Royalty payment.

If that doesnt catch his interest, tell him about the bloke that got paid £1000 per week for ten years for writing a tune that was just Four notes.

:banana::banana:Top Notch! Well done Michael:banana::banana:

conga-rats Michael :thumbsup:

Congrats. :slight_smile:

@blue4 thread bump just for fun :smiley:

Wow I remember his poem, and still was good to read again.