Daily Seti Flame 10th July 2010

10 July 2010

09-Jul-2010 15:04 (server time)

New Recruits
None today :frowning:

No leavers :slight_smile:

Daily Big Hitters

 1 andyu                                     42363
 2 M.D. Petermeier                           28310
 3 mr.kjellen                                21283
 4 Andy Williams                             21244
 5 Sgt Bilko                                 20581
 6 TPR_Mojo                                  14467
 7 Paul Good                                 11407
 8 P51 Mustang                                9408
 9 Endre                                      8971
10 Charlie1                                   7843

Rolling Week Big Hitters

 1 M.D. Petermeier                          238953
 2 mr.kjellen                               178673
 3 andyu                                    176985
 4 Andy Williams                            136352
 5 Sgt Bilko                                113566
 6 P51 Mustang                               94040
 7 TPR_Mojo                                  90936
 8 Charlie1                                  53309
 9 Bob Gaspardino                            46706
10 wheelieslug                               38206

Premier League

Division 1
Paul Good moves up 3 places to 24th stomping Ulysses, CelticSkyhawk and Ares
Milos Petrovic moves up 1 place to 36th stomping Deaky
Brooklyn74 moves up 1 place to 40th stomping Gudguy

Division 2
Badliltexan moves up 1 place to 36th stomping Therese B.

Division 3
lore3326 moves up 4 places to 43rd stomping Richard Ashe, bmorlan, buttman and Sigg

Division 4

Division 5

Division 6

Hmmmm… there’s a new sheriff in town. Good crunching,andyu! :thumbsup: