Daily Seti Flame 19th March 2010

19 March 2010

18-Mar-2010 18:44 (server time)

New Recruits
None today :frowning:

We say goodbye to Tackleway

Daily Big Hitters

 1 mr.kjellen                                19048
 2 M.D. Petermeier                           13652
 3 Sgt Bilko                                 10215
 4 andyu                                      6039
 5 Charlie1                                   5438
 6 Egad Ivegoninsane                          5146
 7 P51 Mustang                                4817
 8 DoubleTop                                  3499
 9 Monitor-Man                                3454
10 Steve Harthon                              2405

Rolling Week Big Hitters

 1 mr.kjellen                               464920
 2 M.D. Petermeier                          149840
 3 Sgt Bilko                                 83005
 4 P51 Mustang                               69031
 5 andyu                                     45981
 6 Andy Williams                             31634
 7 Egad Ivegoninsane                         29582
 8 Charlie1                                  29267
 9 Mortlake                                  26649
10 Steve Harthon                             23439

Premier League

Division 1
Steve Harthon moves up 1 place to 18th stomping BrianRivard

Division 2
Dan moves up 1 place to 23rd stomping Gudguy

Division 3

Division 4
Patfan73 moves up 1 place to 12nd stomping BORED

Division 5

Division 6
lore3326 moves up 8 places to 62nd stomping Jennifer Michelle, Ludovixxx, HairyMonster, drezha, whale, Fibers, Tsui and MattVenaas

Thanks for the news!