Daily Seti Flame 26th May 2010

26 May 2010

25-May-2010 15:18 (server time)

New Recruits
None today :frowning:

No leavers :slight_smile:

Daily Big Hitters

 1 mr.kjellen                               188149
 2 M.D. Petermeier                           68248
 3 andyu                                     35633
 4 Andy Williams                             34156
 5 P51 Mustang                               23672
 6 Sgt Bilko                                 22934
 7 Charlie1                                  15444
 8 TPR_Mojo                                  14242
 9 Egad Ivegoninsane                          9988
10 Steve Harthon                              7658

Rolling Week Big Hitters

 1 mr.kjellen                               543234
 2 M.D. Petermeier                          172731
 3 andyu                                     87155
 4 Andy Williams                             71341
 5 P51 Mustang                               63893
 6 TPR_Mojo                                  60128
 7 Sgt Bilko                                 54077
 8 Charlie1                                  40120
 9 Bob Gaspardino                            30310
10 Egad Ivegoninsane                         22185

Premier League
geckogod2 moves up 1 place to 25th stomping Monitor-Man

Division 1
Steve Harthon moves up 2 places to 8th stomping R33 and riddlermarc

Division 2
Paul Gysen moves up 1 place to 46th stomping George Fischell

Division 3

Division 4
PSYLINTKNIGHT moves up 4 places to 6th stomping Keith_M_B, AndyLamb, Bullseye and The Asgard
lore3326 moves up 4 places to 12nd stomping Mirek Sabiniewicz, John Le Roy, BORED and Louis C. LaCour, Jr.
Pete Elliott moves up 1 place to 49th stomping tomcoomes

Division 5

Division 6