Daily Seti Flame 27th April 2010

27 April 2010

26-Apr-2010 14:59 (server time)

New Recruits
None today :frowning:

No leavers :slight_smile:

Daily Big Hitters

 1 mr.kjellen                               162457
 2 M.D. Petermeier                           21801
 3 andyu                                     10606
 4 TPR_Mojo                                   8218
 5 Andy Williams                              7554
 6 Sgt Bilko                                  5302
 7 P51 Mustang                                5207
 8 Monitor-Man                                4037
 9 Bob Gaspardino                             3934
10 Charlie1                                   3758

Rolling Week Big Hitters

 1 mr.kjellen                               503688
 2 M.D. Petermeier                          220154
 3 andyu                                    101770
 4 P51 Mustang                               69958
 5 Sgt Bilko                                 56971
 6 Andy Williams                             56339
 7 Charlie1                                  46187
 8 TPR_Mojo                                  45386
 9 Bob Gaspardino                            43011
10 Egad Ivegoninsane                         39074

Premier League
Monitor-Man moves up 1 place to 27th stomping WORMSS

Division 1

Division 2
Gudguy moves up 1 place to 8th stomping Guinfan

Division 3
pgresz moves up 1 place to 4th stomping The Banana Bar Stomper

Division 4

Division 5
PSYLINTKNIGHT moves up 2 places to 28th stomping Madison McSpadden and don
Andrew moves up 1 place to 34th stomping Gary Brum

Division 6

Thanks for the stats, Curly99. :thumbsup: