DayZ - The mod for Arma II Combined Operations (and in progress standalone game)

Perhaps there are some of you that have heard of it ?

I haven’t actually played it, but I know some who have and are hooked (as I am already, it looks awesome as a game where you need to think differently than the ordinary shoot em up stuff)

Basically, one of the developers of the Arma series decided to develop a mod involving Zombies in a ‘survivalist post holocaust’ type scenario, the mod went viral - pushing the sales of Arma II Combined Operations (required) to the top of the sales chart, thus reviving an ailing game. The main developers gave the go ahead for the mod to be developed into a standalone game in its own right, initially due for a June release but now - apart from weak alpha builds - not due for a good few months yet, and probably early next year for a fully completed 100% final release. Footage of gameplay testing is on youtube (example ) Obviously it’s a test video, complete with bugs and glitches, but it gives an idea of how it looks.

The idea is that you ‘spawn’ having very little possessions - probably a couple of bandages, some food, maybe a box of matches and a knife - and then have to go scavenging to survive. Kill a pig ( cow, rabbit etc) cut some meat, find firewood and cook it, or find tinned food in built up areas. Water requires a bottle and obviously a source - both food & water are necessary for survival - as is a weapon or two for defense against both Zombies & other players (who may take a fancy to what you own). In game vehicles can be found to speed your movement across the map but often need repairing (find a toolbox, wheels, glass, fuel can etc) - even planes, helicopters and boats are useable in the mod version(s) out there.

If you’re lucky enough to find Arma II Combined Operations to buy, the Dayz mod drops straight in and away you go, alternatively obtaining the Arma II and Operation Arrowhead games gives you the Combined Ops required for the Dayz mod - link here for a quick look Youtube has lots of videos showing gameplay of the mod in all it’s server variations, well worth looking at a few if your interested.

I stumbled onto the game through a clan I joined in World of Tanks, they now have their own Dayz server (and TS) which I’ll be playing on as soon as I can grab Combined ops - if anyone is interested and fancies learning more - or already plays it - pop in and say hi at TS info is on the front page, list on the right shows who’s currently on it and what they’re playing . . . or simply having a drunken session of socially entertaining stupidity :lol:

I appreciate it’s a link to an external gaming clan, but I think most on here don’t do the FPS type game much and the few that do may be interested - of course if quite a few here suddenly start playing the standalone when it’s released there could be potential for a good crossover between the two clans.

Looks like it could be a bit of fun. I’ve always enjoyed FPSs and play Halo on line for a bit of light relief when I can. I think either joining an existng clan or starting our own could be a great idea if there’s enough interest. Nice post Wolly :thumbsup:

Myself and GeneralMayhem have both been playing the ARMA2 Free, will have a look and see :slight_smile:

£25 on Steam for the full collection, or £12.45 for a steam code from the bohemia website!

Needless to say, it’s been bought. :slight_smile:

Just a small update (no I still haven’t got the bloody game :frowning: )

due to knobheads coming into the TS and being . . . erm, stupid . . there is a password for the game rooms (if you thought of calling over) the general rooms are still public though

Just in case anyone is lurking, Combined Operations is currently on offer at Steam at £5.77 with just under 23 hrs to go

No idea if you guys are still playing Dayz or not, but a copy/paste of Wols recent adventures on the DNK server:

[I]So, seeing as I work late this week I decided to go night scavenging - great fun but no reward (apart from learning more)

Last night was spent crawling around Electro church and surrounding area. Found a couple of useful items and thought I was doing well . . . until an encounter with a zombie led to another, and another, and . . . well you can guess the ending :smiley:

Tonight I thought I’d try the Hospital in Cherno. Things were going well, I made it to the Huey and turned the lights on & off a few times (well it’s a laugh), and then crawled over to the Hospital building . . . and then remembered I hadn’t brought anything to smash a window with.
Oh well, lets try the roof, there’s sometimes a medical box up there (see, I’ve been reading stuff). Anyway, after 5 minutes of crawling around in the darkness I found the ladder and went up . . and it started raining, which really buggered the view distance in the dark. 10 minutes of crawling around and finding nothing until I realise there’s another ladder to climb (aha thinks Wol, cracked it and in for some goodies hehe).
So up the second ladder I goes, hearing the sounds of groans, moans, wails and the occasional wolf whistle as I climb. At the top I couldn’t see a thing (heavier rain 'cos I was nearer the clouds - obvious innit) so started crawling blindly around. Two minutes later and I was sure I stood up - that’s strange thinks Wol - as he presses the prone key again and promptly falls off the roof to his death :lol:

So, on my next adventure I must take a brick (or similar) and some flares . . oh, and an umberella

Another session of mayhem and madness - and my first team kill too.

That nice young fella Mindhyped asked if I’d like to join him in a ‘tango for two’ around Electro, well it’s not everyday that you get an offer like that at my age so after a quick comb of the hair and a squirt of anti-perspirant I trotted down to meet him.

He’d already secured the hospital when I got there, but there wasn’t much to find so after giving MH a blood transfusion we ventured over to the supermarket where we found a nice Alice backpack and Springfield (I think) rifle I could claim. Of course when you’re gaming with Wol things don’t go smoothly, and during the backpack swap things got hectic on the zombie front, resulting in the loss of the rifle, and a need for antibiotics and bandages all round. After a bit of ‘chase me chase me’ we decided to try Cherno before it got too dark.

Luckily MH knew his way around and we were doing well until the zombie horde swatted him and he lay barely conscious and bleeding badly while good old Wol was trying to blast the naughty zombies with his shotgun.
Unluckily in the chaos a stray shotgun shell ended the struggle for MH, who then respawned close enough to get back to the bodies . . you notice I said bodies ? . . well those zombies were furious that I’d taken their prey so turned on me, and although I killed the pesky things they’d done enough damage that after patching myself up I was left to guard what was left of MH with just half a pint of blood trying to trickle though my veins.
MH (the new one) very wisely detoured to the hospital while I popped off another curious zombie or two between my blackouts, but I was a gonner before he reached me.
More luck - I spawned at Cherno and roles were reversed as MH stood guard while I ran back to reclaim my stuff - cue Wol’s marvelous sense of direction (I was never a homing pigeon in a past life) and I went to the wrong building at the wrong end of town (shut it Rap).

Anyway, all ended well . . apart from MH had lost his Ghillie suit (his character actually looks better without it, it can be rather disconcerting running around a supermarket with a wookie as a companion) . . and as the darkness fell we parted company, with MH waving a fond farewell from the roof of a factory as I headed north . . I tried to count the fingers on the hand he was waving with, but due to the darkness I can’t honestly say if there were more than two showing . .[/I]

:lol: Nice to see yer getting the hang of it Wol. Been playing C&C too much so haven’t dived in to this. I will try to make time as it sounds lke a hoot! :smiley:

Another info update

Currently playing the DayZ Epoch version which has trade posts, base building, fishing, crafting and more. The DNK server has no PVP, which helps when trying to build your own base - nobody sneaking up and whacking you when you’re chopping wood n stuff :slight_smile:

Any of you playing / tried the DayZ StandAlone ?

Nope, not bought it - it’s only in Alpha stage lol - and having spoken to many who have played the standalone the general opinion is that it gets boring very quickly :frowning:

However it is, apparently, an ongoing project with lots of additions/enhancements still to be implemented - l hope it does improve over the coming months.

I’m currently playing the mod version on FP servers - the FP guys play more than Dayz too :wink:

Personally i find it entertaining, although it does get frustrating when your char leg’s seem to break for silly reasons. :frowning:

I’ve never gotten around to getting the Arma game and using hte DayZ mod, i might pick it up and give it a try. It looks a little more feature filled then the current SA version. :agree:

Just bought DayZ standalone (£19.99) from Steam. Pretty limited due to being in early Alpha and can get rather dull after a while, but still quite entertaining :slight_smile:

There are quite a few new things being worked on at the moment, so being in early, i suppose i get to see the game develop and grow as i play :smiley: