Dockers Update. 12-25-09

Team Stats on 12-25-09 at 0119 gmt

163,275 (RAC) Up 1,115
32,117,877 (Overall Credit) Up 188,135 Our best day in a month !

Team Ranking
2nd in RAC- NC ----24,600 behind #1-- Planet 3DNow!

2nd in Overall Credit- 4,507,998 behind – Planet 3DNow!

New Team Members: None

Team Movements:

Brooklyn74 Stomps Scientific Frontline to claim 18th position.

Milestones: None

Another positive day, Great work all!

Hope Santa was good to everyone, enjoy your time with family and friends.

Thanks for the update SJ! :slight_smile:

Looking at the team stats here: it looks like Heidi has stopped crunching. I’m fearing the worst.

I’ve not had an answer after leaving an answerphone message either, but there has been some updates on in December (on the 10th).