Dockers Update 2-4-20

Team Stats on 2-04-10 at 0110 gmt

157,780 (RAC) Down -1271

39,060,302 (Overall Credit) Up 154,975

Team Ranking
#3 in RAC-- 246,501 behind #2-- Planet 3DNow!

2nd in Overall Credit- 9,427,972 behind – Planet 3DNow!

New Team Members: None

Team Member Movements:

Spirit_of_the_sixties Stomps TPRDroid claiming 31st position.

Milestones: None

Project News :

D@H starts crossdocking
February 2, 2010 16:18 EST
This week Docking@Home starts its crossdocking phase, we will perform docking of a given ligand with slightly
different conformations of the receptor, then our postprocessing algorithm will select the best ligand conformation.
This process simulates the flexibility of the protein resulting in more realistic simulations

SJ News:

I have a bad news/good news story. My wife dropped my laptop that I use for
Docking. The LCD screen is trashed. The good news is I took her laptop and
installed Bonic on it and started Docking. She has not let me run it on her computer,
but since she broke mine she has no choice! The better news is my laptop is still crunching
and reporting work so my production will be up for a few day’s until my new screen arrives.
Until Tomorrow. :tiphat:

cheers for the news, and I did get that Xeon quad crunching for a few days. Once it goes production over this coming weekend, that’ll be it though … maybe :wink:

(not enjoying working to a US timescale)

Thanks for the news SJ! :slight_smile: That’s a shame about the laptop.

I’m getting real close to Damski. Seems like I’ve been trying to overtake him
for months (and his RAC is close to zero!). Its like watching paint dry.

[QUOTE=Tom Wilson;449389]Thanks for the news SJ! :slight_smile: That’s a shame about the laptop.

I’m getting real close to Damski. Seems like I’ve been trying to overtake him
for months (and his RAC is close to zero!). Its like watching paint dry.[/QUOTE]

I know the feeling. My personal goal has been to get into the top
500 or lower of all users. Been stuck in the mid 500’s forever.
Just keep crunching and watching others passing by.
I will get there in time, just like you.

Nooooo!! been stomped :(. Not surprising though. Cheers for the update SJ :cheers:

Got a few of these, running nicely under Windows at least. Run time is ~5 hours on a Q6600 or similar.

:thumbsup: Cheers for da nooz