Domain registration help

I’m looking for a UK based host to transfer all my domains to. They must be able to register absolutely any domain out there as we’re wanting to market and launch our product to a global audience eventually.

New Zealand

These are the current domain spaces I would like to register in and already have around 80 names from the .tv to .mobi etc.

Any help would be appreciated.

I don’t know if their the best but I’ll throw into the pot to look at …

I have most of my domains with them.

you cant register a french domain with out having a registered company.

123reg are pretty good

Does the company have to be registered in France?

Got one with Free Parking and one with 34SP. TBH when I looked Free Parking and 123Reg were cheaper for my latest domain name ( but I couldn’t be bothered sorting change in DNS or whatever I might have had to do so I registered it with my hosting company.

ways around it… but technically Domain must belong to a french company name or to the holder of a French trademark.

Your likely to suffer the same hurdle with .ie (Ireland) .eu (Europe) .de (Germany) .it (Italy) .se (Sweden) (Turkey) all have restrictions

.FR Restrictions
Individuals or corporate entities in one of the following three categories can register a .fr first level domain name:

Corporate entities
Corporate entities whose headquarters are located in France, or have premises in France, which can be identified in the following electronic databases:
Commercial court registries
National corporate and trade register (INPI)
National institute of statistics and economic studies (INSEE)
REFASSO for associations
State institutions and departments, regional authorities and their establishments

For the purpose of submitting a .FR domain name application, a SIREN/SIRET number must be supplied during the domain name application process that is associated with the French Corporate entity.

Brand holders
Individuals or corporate entities which hold a brand registered with the national institute of industrial property or which hold a registered community trademark or international brand targeted specifically at the French market and which can be identified from the ICIMARQUES (INPI) database.

Adult individuals with a fixed address in France.

Thanks guys for all the info, you’ve been extremely helpfull.