Down the British!

Well that time of year is upon us again! Yes, we are now getting ready to celebrate the defeat of the Brits.

So, Down the British,
No Taxation
with out representation!


just cause we made your country what it is

maybe we chould come back over there and claim whats rightfully ours ?:stuck_out_tongue:

:chuckle: :smackbum:

Originally posted by LUC1FER
just cause we made your country what it is

Name : Lucifer
Location : Hell


i’m sure the indigenous Native American population have strong opinions on the matter.

It was a civil war right? Surely we beat ourselves :confused: :wink:

As a full blooded Yankee, I for one, will celebrate the fourth of July as the day our Nation began one of the most sucessful experiments of self governance in history. Without the constitutional example our British cousins gave us we would never have evolved into the free people we are today.

I congradulate our British friends for living in one of the few other great democracies of the world.

Well that calls for a big international :cuddle: for all our American buddies and a little :kisskiss: for the major.

Without the constitutional example our British cousins

Unfortunately Britian is, has been, and probably will remain forever a country without a constitution (Thats right we DO NOT have a codified constitution) or Bill of Rights:(

Don’t vote, the government always gets in !

Originally posted by Nige
Unfortunately Britian is, has been, and probably will remain forever a country without a constitution (Thats right we DO NOT have a codified constitution) or Bill of Rights:(

We refer to the United Kingdom as a constitutional monarchy. I realize it is neither. The Queen nominally runs the country yet she only has ceremonial power. The Magna Carta may be the only official granting of power your government has. And that may have been renounced at some point.

Your wonderful nation works by general agreement, and that’s fine as it works for you.

Originally posted by MAOJC

So, Down the British,
No Taxation
with out representation!


You sound like Steve McQueen in the Great Escape…
Now where’s the Alcohol ???

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


. . . . thinks MAOJC should sit down and have a nice cup of tea. Boston harbour may be a good place.

Originally posted by richardlellisjr
Without the constitutional example our British cousins gave us we would never have evolved into the free people we are today.

Hey, don’t blame it all on us!

Originally posted by Radar
i’m sure the indigenous Native American population have strong opinions on the matter.

Damn straight.

Originally posted by MAOJC
So, Down the British,
No Taxation
with out representation!



Thats what we like, a family squabble, Yanks v Brits :lol:

Mind you, the aunt only lives next door to the petulant
teenager :wink:

So we have the Brits and the Canadians keeping an eye on
the Yanks

Happy hide and seek day and can we
have our tea back :stuck_out_tongue:

and for the Yanks who believe the films, NO, The Patriot isn’t

I couldn’t agree with you more!

Down The British
Apart from many other examples, as the other parts of the UK especially the Scots will side with anyone except the English vs the English in sporting events, I have decided I am no longer a member of some fictional “U.K.” but English through and through. Therefore “British” is a term that does not apply to me.

No Taxation
Amen brother

With Out Representation
As we are governed by proxy and have no say in matters until a general election then we are, effectively, without representation, Hey 2 out of 3!

The court finds for our Colonial Cousins, and against the Brits!

as above :thumbsup: :deal: :lol:

Originally posted by TPR_Mojo
Down The British
Apart from many other examples, as the other parts of the UK especially the Scots will side with anyone except the English vs the English in sporting events, I have decided I am no longer a member of some fictional “U.K.” but English through and through. Therefore “British” is a term that does not apply to me.

Hehehe :smiley:

Hehe its not our fault us celts would rather support italy or any other foreign contry than our english neighbours in football and rugby, you should have thought about the consequenses of being such tw4ts to us for most of the last century :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeh, the UK is kinda funny, no ones proud to be British, the welsh are proud to be welsh, the english are proud to be english, the scottish are proud to be scottish. Still we are British by title tho aint we.


We could just argue that the Welsh and the Scots are just sore losers :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by dalethfc
and for the Yanks who believe the films, NO, The Patriot isn’t

Neither is U571 :wink:

One thing that annoys me in American films these days is that the English are the only people that Hollywood hasn’t got all PC about. Everytime a film needs a villain, its “Okay, what shall we call this White male Englishman?”
Every other nation on earth seems exempt from being cast as the villains since the mid 90’s, we English, one of the few countries that have sided with the Yanks through thick and thin, get portrayed as total barstewards every chance they get, whilst heros and their sidekicks are tending to have a distinct “Heroically repressed ethnic minority” flavour.

Take Lord of the Rings for example. The big stars such as Aragorn, Gandalf and even Frodo are all neutrally accented or very slightly American, Merry and Pippin only needed green suits to turn them into Irish Leprechauns, Gimli might have well been wearing a Rangers football shirt over his chainmail, and of course, Boromir who turned baddie was a Yorkshireman, by 'eck. At least he didnt ask Elrond where he could get some black pudding for his whippets…
And of course we get to the orcs and what happens?
"Cor blimey Guvnor, we’ve been on the run for free days and 'avent 'ad anyfing to eat cept this moldy bread! Strike a light, its Mary Poppins! Oh, My old mans a dustman, he wears a dustmans hat! " :rolleyes:
Peter Jackson lost some of my respect at that juncture.