Drive Imaging -- Panic stations

Stupied Dell :furious:

Ok have netbook - Dell have no system disks (Win 7 -32bit)

Dell - give magic over the net software updates & option to create recovery Disk & image disk and store a OS recover partition on drive.

Stupid thing won’t create a working recovery CD disk :kickbum:
Stupid thing won’t burn a DVD successfully when doing an image.

DVD drive is fine… Anyone got recommendations on software to image drive & restore ??? I have a SSD drive arriving today destined for the netbook and currently stuck to how a get A onto B with losing what little amount of hair I have left :newmon:

will it do the recovery disc to an external dvd drive?

Think I might have overlooked something :spit:

Other machine is on Win7 - I should be able to use the spare 32bit install disk to kick off the re-image from usb drive. :xfinger:

//edit opps sorry Droid we replied at same time lol

Its an external DVD drive I am using… I burn various stuff on it all the time so something a bit funky to this Dell netbook

I am hoping I’ll be ok seeing as I have gen Win7 disks from other rig but they are the pro version but I only need the recovery bit.

hmm, so you just need a win7 install disc? Is the trial download still on the MS site?

With it being HD to SSD, can’t do an image as you really need to install from scratch to get the best out of the SSD :frowning:


I have as mention win7 disc from other machine (pro version)

Transfer will be ok - yes it won’t be block aligned but I don’t think it block aligns on raided drives anyway so don’t think its that much of a big deal.

I just have turn off … Defrag & drive caching and all should be good from memory.

I hope so else I’m stuffed netbook is not Win7 pro and Dell don’t have a download for the Win7 system discs.

Anyhow won’t get that hassle till Next Friday when I get home as $hitty link won’t deliver until Monday.

I do have a lappy at work on Win7 starter ed… I might also try burning a recovery disk from that if the one from the main rig fails… that the 64bit version so don’t know if a difference exists on the recovery disk build.

All is ok :slight_smile: hopefully

Main rig made a good recovery disk - it boots sees my WD passport drive recognises the restore image.

Should be ok <touchwood>

Win7 on mechanical 2.5" drive = royal slowness after a few months it was never fast to start with.

Feed up with it taking minutes to boot compared to the main rigs 12-15 seconds.

:whiteflag: Think I’ll put this down as having been a bad idea :sigh:

The transfer over went ok, infact windows is quite cleaver except daft as it is the backup/clone actually requires you to have the space that matches the drive size as it won’t bunch up the file on restore.

… case of defrag 1st/ shrink partition / backup / swapdrive / restore.

Annoying thing is, while Atto benchmark tells me I am getting the rated speed real benchmarks and real perception of speed is telling me other…

Atom can’t cope with the load esp with anti virus kicking in, pegged at 100% cpu while trying to load up nearly a gig of data & virus checking it not really that much faster :frowning: plus I don’t know why they opted for ICH7

Biggest headache… stupid thing won’t wake up after going to sleep :furious:

On the positive side :slight_smile: Dell have given it a full compliment of Mini PCI-E headers :trophy: normally when you spec up a netbook they custom build and don’t install the headers for un-ordered options but I got them.

So std 2.5" drive can go back in, I’ll order a mini-PCI-E ssd same as my Dell Mini 9 and cheat a bit lol