Embed latest TPR threads in your homepage

Howto show latest TPR threads in your web pages using Javascript

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://forums.teamphoenixrising.net/external.php?forumids=40,6,66,65,69,8,9,29,32,10,26,28,11,23,58&type=js"></script> 
<script language="" type="text/javascript">
for (x = 0; x < 15; x++)
document.writeln("<a href=\"http://forums.teamphoenixrising.net/showthread.php?t="+threads[x].threadid+"\">"+threads[x].title+"</a> <br>(Posted By: "+threads[x].poster+")<br><br />");

Drop that into your page and it will output the latest threads to a simple html format. To change the formatting, alter the line “document.writeIn” to change the html that the javascript creates.

An example of this in operation in a basic format can be found at www.teamphoenixrising.net/showthreads.php


You were wasted talent while in that supermarket Malk :thumbsup:

you wait until you see what I’ve put together this morning, by this evening there is a high possibility we will have a new www.teamphoenixrising.net site :smiley:


[QUOTE=DoubleTop;441462]you wait until you see what I’ve put together this morning, by this evening there is a high possibility we will have a new www.teamphoenixrising.net site :smiley:

Me wonders if this alcohol influenced, or sheer boredom:D
Say we all throw some pints DT’s way and see what we end up with:)

I’ll find a place for the script

well as someone else put it - this new server has resulted in ‘brittle’ forum response. At least four times today we’ve gone down, but I had planned to sit and watch it today anyway. The plan was to browse, play games and sit and do nothing, but I just don’t seem capable of sitting down without doing some form of work :smiley:


Can the script be narrowed down to a specific forums?

yes, just change the numbers on the external.php script, you’ll notice the forum id if you hover the mouse over the forum link on the main page :slight_smile:


[QUOTE=DoubleTop;441518]yes, just change the numbers on the external.php script, you’ll notice the forum id if you hover the mouse over the forum link on the main page :slight_smile:

Dah… If I would have looked at the script better I wouldn’t have waste your time.:slight_smile:
Thanks DT

Is that whats meant by a honeymoon period?