End of Summer TPR LAN

Plenty of notice to get sorted…not looking at you or anything TFW :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have booked the Cirencester Premier Inn this time as it was actually cheaper than the Travelodge. I advise to book early to get best price and of course make sure they don’t sell out!

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sorry all - hadn’t noticed that an auto-update had borked replying.

Should now be all fixed, and btw - I’m Cinderella :smiley:

once you get that image out your heads, yes I shall be going to the LAN


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no idea why - but with some random rebuilds and new certificate installs, we are back?

Hopefully! I tried replying yesterday but it wasn’t having it and then it wouldn’t let me log on this morning :joy:

Is it working now ?

Seems to be :grin:

nope - still broken

Thought so…

the Garfield nice blue jag, BJ may be an inaccuracy soon …

Quiet on yer…

Four weeks to go! :grin:

Who is coming?

Not long now !
Should be a good one.
Wonder if Alta’s other half loosened the purse strings enough for him to buy some new toys ?
Was nice to see him at the last event. He’s not changed much.
Was good to see Peige & Son too.

Need more CS and stuff at the next one, maybe we should set a schedule on the saturday.
I do enjoy getting handed my arse on CS and Unreal Tournament - good fun !


Think a scheduled time for CS, UT and a Beat Saber smack down would be good :biggrin:

I’ll be there with Garfield and not quite as much tech this time to leave space for others :smiley:

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Bring the HTC if you can, would like to see the difference.


You coming the Fri night DT?

HTC is in Belfast and I’m not over there until late September

not 100% sure yet - hopefully this time

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With just over 2 weeks to go until LAN it’s time to start a roll call :biggrin:

Alex (aka TPR Bitch 1)
Owen (aka TPR Bitch 2)