ER, Heeeeelp!!!!!

I’m losing valuable crunching time - whenever SETI starts up (i’m unsing 3.08 CLI, setidriver, and setiqueue) i get the following msg as it tries to transmit:

Using proxy server
Sending result - connecting to server.
recv fd=68 n=0, errno=2
Can’t connect to server, will retry in an hour

W00T the f00 is g00ing on?

if i try and send the w00 straight back to b0rkley by setting setidrivers proxy to off, i just get

Sending result - connecting to server.

and no other messages.

I have tried re-downloading the seti client, to no avail.

to summarise …
[SIZE=4]HELP!!![/SIZE] :confused:

I can’t help with your connection problems but I can say you shouldn’t be using 3.08. 3.08 is a security improved version which runs slower than the 3.03. The security concern is minimal. There are a number of places where it is available, I’m sure someone here will post a link. I know TeamStarfire posts a link on their sticky.


I have uploaded my copy of Seti Driver and 3.03 in a Zip file Here if you want to give it a go

Thanx for the speedy response M@tt, but I’ve just tried it with your files and exactly the same happens.

Panic! :eek: :confused:

try port 80

I guess you have tried restarting Seti Q? and you do have a web connection

try port 80

does not work. trying gives the same error as originally reported.

Originally posted by M@tt
I guess you have tried restarting Seti Q? and you do have a web connection
Yes and yes.

is setiqueue running on the same machine??
if not can you ping the queue machine and can the queue machine ping the client?

have you filled out the server settings pages in setiqueue? I leave all the top part blank except for the port.

can you connect to the web admin page of the queue?

Originally posted by Kwazy_Wabbit
[B]is setiqueue running on the same machine??
if not can you ping the queue machine and can the queue machine ping the client?

have you filled out the server settings pages in setiqueue? I leave all the top part blank except for the port.

can you connect to the web admin page of the queue? [/B]

They are both running on the same machine. They have both been running flawlessly since about february. The web admin all works fine. Pinging the server PC from the other on my network works fine. The server settings are configured to use port 5517, any IP on submask

If it’s on same machine, change address to localhost and port 5517

The 2 choices I have put worked for me when I had a SetiQ

ok silly question time…

  1. Have you installed any firewall software?
  2. Have you tired setting the subnet mask to
  3. Have you tired creating a new directory and popping a ‘clean’ version of the client and setidriver in there (the one form m@tts link) and seeing if that will download a unit??

Originally posted by dalethfc
[B]If it’s on same machine, change address to localhost and port 5517

The 2 choices I have put worked for me when I had a SetiQ
server. [/B]

putting localhost should have the same effect as using

but i always use Localhost :slight_smile:

try opening a browser window on that machine with

Do you have any personal firewall software running on it ?

have you put out the empty milk bottles
have you put out the empty Ambrosia tins
:Poke: :wink:

Originally posted by Kwazy_Wabbit
[B]putting localhost should have the same effect as using

but i always use Localhost :slight_smile: [/B]

Sometimes it doesn’t like the IP address.
In a few days it may moan about local host and prefer the IP.
It drove me mad :wall:

Originally posted by Kwazy_Wabbit
[B]ok silly question time…

  1. Have you installed any firewall software?
  2. Have you tired setting the subnet mask to
  3. Have you tired creating a new directory and popping a ‘clean’ version of the client and setidriver in there (the one form m@tts link) and seeing if that will download a unit?? [/B]

Just tried your “option 3”, and it works again! yay! must have had a crash or something that upset the installation of setidriver and/or one of the clients data files.

Thanx for the excellent rapid response guys, TPR rox :smiley:

Thank the bunny wabbit :smiley:
I just offered what I remembered :wink:

But we are always here to screw things, I mean, Help :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by dalethfc
[B]Thank the bunny wabbit :smiley:
I just offered what I remembered :wink:

But we are always here to screw things, I mean, Help :stuck_out_tongue: [/B]

There is no end to the B$ you can talk is there:lol:

Originally posted by JUGGY
There is no end to the B$ you can talk is there:lol:

At least I win bets :stuck_out_tongue:
And we were trying to help :wink:

Originally posted by sp00n
[B]Just tried your “option 3”, and it works again! yay! must have had a crash or something that upset the installation of setidriver and/or one of the clients data files.

Thanx for the excellent rapid response guys, TPR rox :smiley: [/B]

I’ve had that happen to me before :frowning:

if you’ve still got the ‘old’ directory you could try deleting the user.sah and the version.sah and see if it will return your completed unit… I’ve no idea if that will work or if the problem is within the unit/ result.sah but it’s got to be worth a try, as not to waste a completed unit :slight_smile: