FAO LifemapperDriver Users

So the program has now been out in use for a while now (hopefully). Can bug reports and suggestions be posted here please and then I can have a look sometime this coming weekend.



Have start LM on app start ticked… but it doesn’t start, user error???

also have to save prefs everytime it starts if I want the tpr logo to show


I’ll check out the auto start code, I had that every so often on one of the machines, but difficult for me to check as I never turn them off !!

What setup are you running, in order for the TPR logo not to show, it cant find a file or something has been set blank. Its a little way for me to debug. Could you take a screen shot of regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\TPR_DC_CONTROL\Lifemapper

for me please, helps with my debug on which part is failing the startup checks.



Running LM from dir IE: not as a service on this machine

heres 2 screenshots of the settings

hope these help, Curly

thanks Curly, I’ve got mine doing the same by using a mimic setup on a test machine (my email addy though :wink: )

A run through in code should tell me where the error is, I’ve checked for the obvious speeling mistakes and not found so there must be a gap in the routine somewhere.

As for the logging, I’ve set up two machines as offline runners, with 50 cache and they will finish at about the same time. I emptied the logfile so am hoping to see 50 entries in the log on each machine, if its less then I’ll investigate monitoring the CLI window instead.


number1 - found that one, managed to duplicate it - fixed it

number2 - see number1

Cheers Curly, off to watch Midsummer Murders, then I’ll make the next installer :slight_smile:

Quick Q, Lifemapper runs fine on 98?, this app should hide the dos box and provide a cracking way to effectively run Lifemapper as a service. Should I add 98 support ?


does anyone still run 98 :wink:

Seriously if it’s not to much hassle to do so, then yes, easier if it runs on all os’s save someone asking for it to be implimanted

you had any luck with the logging issues?


I’m waiting for a reply from Lifemapper regarding write times to the text file, if I don’t get a response soon (not that hopeful atm) I’ll have to look at using an output from the hidden window rather than the log file created by the client itself.

I’ve just tweaked it to add a second check to prevent the “double-entry” (leave it Mincer :chuckle: )

Installer will have to wait till morning, sorry. Win98 support involve me setting up a 98 machine to test on, doubt that’ll happen this week, maybe next weekend.


installers compiled and uploaded, please see coding and design for release details



viewing the log file is there a way of adding a button to clear the file from within the app or would deleting/clearing the txt file in the LMdriver dir the only way it can be done


I was wondering on that one myself, whether to limit the file size or use the screen that opens to just view the last X entries of the log.

There is the other option of generating averages from the logs, I think thats one for a think-tank (pretty much few beers @ Mojos) :chuckle:


Im sure you will soon see some feed back HERE as well as some dumb questions im bound to ask :wink:

Been having a play today. Nice job DT. :thumbsup:
Just one thing, the stop crunching button seems not to work on my setup. Start crunching launches another instance. (Exit app dies stop the process.)

guessing your on a windows2000 box. I think I missed doing a change required for win2K for stopping the process. I might make it a service controller yet, probably more stable but that definately rules out using 98.


Yup 2k. Irrespective, its a lot better than the dos box or trayit + DC monitor. :slight_smile:

All working fine and dandy here :smiley: I managed to get mine to start up minimised (with the help of Apex) but is there a way you could maybe add this in to do it automatically?

I’ve done that as an option already, but whilst doing that I broke something else :doh: I might be able to spend a couple of hours on it soon. The A64 business is getting to me atm, so just dossing.


New release out. Should work on Win2K now Balrog, added a op sys detection routine for that. A little bit of moving about and the option for start minimised has been added as this has been requested a couple of times now.

I would also like opinions on the multi cpu support. Officially I cannot deploy the lifemapper_cmd.exe as I have heard nothing from LM about this. So the best I can do is make the structure of app.path\instance1, app.path\instance2 etc.
This would be a lot easier to do if LM would respond and allow me to distribute the exe, as I could then use the service features to do the preferences etc and would make the running of the app a little more secure.:sigh:


Thanks DT :thumbsup:
Going to put it on Mrs B’s machine @ work today.