FAO Taliesyn

:Pimp: :banana: :deal: :thumbsup:

Originally posted by The Balrog
:Pimp: :banana: :deal: :thumbsup:

You know you want to! :bounce:

Amen! :deal:


Hey Biff! :slight_smile: Nice to see you here :wave:

Hey Biffa Welcome to the forums

Oi Biffa. You too

:Pimp: :deal: :bondage:

No just visiting, I’m not leaving OCuk for something I think isn’t that important soz and has been blown out of all proportion.

Just my opinion of course and probably not what many want to hear but hey everyone is entitled to his/her opinion in my opinion, but then some ppl think I’m a bit opinionated :smiley: Or not … :flip:

Originally posted by Biffa
Just my opinion of course and probably not what many want to hear but hey everyone is entitled to his/her opinion in my opinion, but then some ppl think I’m a bit opinionated :smiley: Or not … :flip:

I’m also of the opinion that everyone should be allowed to have their own opinion. Even if they seem overopinionated in the aforementioned opinion. :nod:


:eek: A mind trick :devil: :smiley:

Originally posted by Biffa
Just my opinion of course and probably not what many want to hear but hey everyone is entitled to his/her opinion in my opinion,

Hiya Biffa :wave:

From what Ive seen here , that is EXACTLY the point . Pity youre not staying :frowning:
Please drop in when ever you feel like it , I’m sure you will be welcomed with open arms , (they might be a bit sticky and smell of custard tho :smiley: )

Originally posted by Mortlake
a bit sticky and smell of custard

Hmmm, what else does that apply too ? :confused:

Hey Biffa, nice to see you again :slight_smile:

Originally posted by metz2000
Hmmm, what else does that apply too ? :confused:

You know! :smiley: :bondage:

Originally posted by metz2000
Hmmm, what else does that apply too ? :confused:

If you need to ask, you don’t want to know! :eek: :scared: :scared: :eek:

Originally posted by Biffa
No just visiting


Bloody hell, that didn’t take long :slight_smile:

I am now an independent cruncher, and for the moment it will remain that way you heap of :wall: :Pimp:s

I thank you :moon:

I think SpeedyJ with his custard :cuddle:'s and Donna with her
own unique talents could pay you a visit :scared: :deal:

C’mon, join or well send the freaks around :wink: :scared: :Pimp:

Only kidding, be happy where ever you end up and what ever you do :wink:

Thanks for the welcome chaps, I’ve been here before but just browsed, as for the opinions thing, didn’t really mean to be flippant but can’t help it really, just had a feeling this was where everyone was going :slight_smile:

I don’t agree with why people are leaving from my personal observations of what has occurred over the past few weeks but I certainly don’t judge anyone for leaving, just that i think its a damn shame that the team and its members should suffer when we haven’t done anything.

Oh well… h’onwards etc :smiley: I’ll drop in to chat with me old mates from time to time and have a tipple with JD and remember not to be strangers in the old haunting grounds either you old buggers :smiley:

Oh and Fizz… mwah :smiley:

No worries Biffa, everyone is welcome here :nod:
Take care m8