Firefox 4

Has anyone given this a run yet?

I have and I’m really liking it - it’s drawn me back away from Chrome but the only downside at the minute is that the Evernote plugin doesn’t work (not a bad ratio - one plugin out of about 10!)

The new layout I really like - reminds me of Opera 11 which is good overall but is let down by a few little niggles but FF4 seems to be fine. Didn’t look at what it was doing under the hood but didn’t feel the need to as it was nice and fast on my machine.

Just waiting for it to go official before moving over for good as it’s scheduled for this month though there’s no reason for me to move to it now (evernote functionality can also be achieved through bookmarklets)

Haven’t played with it yet. Been busy with other stuff at the mo, but I will give it a go at some stage.

Been running it since beta 10. I’m loving it. The only thing I don’t like, and they are being stubborn about this, is they removed the symbol for an encrypted connection (https). Used to be a key that at least gave the noobs an at-a-glance indicator that they had an encrypted connection going. The guys at Mozilla decided to remove that since people believed that to mean they had a “secure” connection, not just encrypted. However, it’s my belief that having a status indicator of the connection should be present and visible at all times, and should not require the user to do anything extra (such as mouse over the URL’s icon) to determine the connection status. I suspect they will put it back in somewhere, but so far that’s been my only complaint with FF4. Absolutely love the tab grouping. It’s worth playing with even if you don’t normally have a bunch of tabs going.

Not played with tab grouping, I’ll give that a go. Doesn’t it do the same as Chrome for encrypted connections and show a green section on the url bar?

Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk

No, unfortunately. The argument was that a person could tell they were on a secure site by noticing the https in the URL. That argument assumes the user looks at the URL and knows what https is. I think there has been enough feedback that this is a bad idea that they will have some symbol or visual effect present in the finalized version.

Odd as my bank shows up as a green item.

Ah, I see what they’ve done. Mine doesn’t appear green, but that could be the theme you are using, or the color could be representative of the signer. I switched back to the default theme to test this and it appears blue for me for the two sites I visited.

So, when you hit a secure site (https), they are adding the site name in a colored block before the URL. In the example below, Youtube just has it’s favicon and URL since it isn’t secure, but American Express has the favicon, it’s name in blue, and the URL.

If you run a dark theme like I do, you may not notice this at all. I don’t know if it’s something that was there in beta 10, or just added in beta 12. I wouldn’t mind if they took it one step further and added some graphics to the name in color, such as a small lock symbol on one end of the signed name and a small key on the other. Their approach is good, but it’s overly subtle in my opinion. Just a little more effort and there would be no guessing on the user’s part.

I guess I’m used to it as it’s the same method Chrome and Opera use (which I’ve been used for a while now instead of Firefox as I was fed up with the space that firefox took up)

My theme is a dark theme as well (this one) so no idea why it shows up green.