Stats updated 09-17-18 0500 UTC
Number 1,149 in a very occasional series.
TPR is ranked 149th. We haven’t moved since the last update. Our next move (up) will be in 3.5 days when we stomp team Folding@NASIOC .
Our current overall points are 1,288,633,806 and the overall work units done are 420,650.
Yesterday’s total was 3,893,567 points from 4 active crunchers.
New Members
User Name 24hr Avg Total
1. kamiles 1,517,018 724,120,125
2. Fadamor 1,129,850 364,673,608
3. Double Top 1,021,153 38,918,650
4. PMM 61,512 6,310,054