Folding News 05/04/06

Number 9 in an occasional series :slight_smile:

Stats updated 05-04-06

TPR are ranked 95th. We have not moved in the last 24 hours.

Our current overall points are 6,470,172 and the overall work units done are 83,642.

Todays total was 10,352 points from 31 active crunchers.

New Users

None :frowning:


None :slight_smile:

Top 20 Producers

   UserName     24hr Avg      Total

01 Double_Top      1,848    472,271
02 TPR_Mulda       1,664    513,507
03 Mortlake          703    333,407
04 Alta_Rica         629    238,302
05 Crazydude         527    204,642
06 step2000          410    350,167
07 kamiles           335    184,778
08 Curly99           324     61,814
09 MrTFWitt          243     17,423
10 fenix25           221      5,333
11 TPR_Beren         175     78,512
12 TheDirts          169      4,074
13 Bullseye          111     11,051
14 charlie1           90     15,437
15 OHS                89  1,245,807
16 ike                75     55,236
17 tpr-wolf           72    939,498
18 drezha             69      2,336
19 (TPR)Endre         63        985
20 Renata_and_Neal    58    192,522

Team Standings

    Name                    Daily    Weekly* Points Total  WUs Total

01  OHS                        89       543     1,245,807     18,150
02  tpr-wolf                   72       336       939,498     16,657
03  TPR_Mulda               1,721     5,187       513,911      4,172
04  JUGGY                       0         0       503,893      5,930
05  Double_Top              1,855     5,984       472,491      3,082
06  step2000                  462     2,259       350,571      2,819
07  Mortlake                  703     2,442       333,407      2,070
08  Fadamor                    34       241       245,440      1,070
09  Alta_Rica                 629     2,100       238,302      3,991
10  Crazydude                 567     1,987       204,920      1,266
11  Renata_and_Neal            58         0       192,522      1,247
12  kamiles                   364     1,532       184,986      1,316
13  Peige                      54       380        97,722        641
14  TPR_Beren                 175       543        78,512        648
15  Curly99                   354     1,361        62,022        745
16  ike                        75       404        55,236        469
17  ciipher                     0         0        48,376      1,235
18  Ian_D                       0         0        45,842        200
19  mackerel                    0         0        45,755        407
20  cougar_uk_2k                0         0        34,607        139
21  AvixI                       0         0        34,324        270
22  Speedo                     34         0        31,946        542
23  scoobie421                  0         0        30,066        105
24  SJ761                       0         0        28,183        222
25  markONE                     0         0        25,116      1,594
26  Ian_D_(Lister)              0         0        24,674        207
27  TPR_Mojo                    0         0        23,226      2,150
28  riddlermarc                 0         0        22,894        152
29  Ian_D_(Rimmer)              0         0        21,451        178
30  adventurevision             0         0        19,644      1,263
31  Ian_D_(Cat)                 0         0        19,055        343
32  Ian_D_(Kryten)              0         0        17,761        168
33  MrTFWitt         +1       243     1,078        17,423        155
34  Gandelf          -1         0         0        17,285        497
35  BrianLeahy                 58         0        15,762        139
36  charlie1                   90       255        15,437         85
37  alexbalmer                  0         0        13,589        981
38  Ian_D_(Holly)               0         0        13,326        133
39  dillberry                   0         0        12,068         76
40  Ciccio                      0         0        11,702        318
41  Bullseye                  111       777        11,051        115
42  barcode                     0         0        10,417        321
43  Abie                       29         0        10,078         86
44  Andy_Young                  0         0         6,760         40
45  Nobby                       0         0         6,718        178
46  TPR_Aero                    0         0         6,552        239
47  [TPR]_Nigma                23         0         6,551         71
48  Rangershash                 0         0         6,216        178
49  welrod45                    0         0         6,045         45
50  Tom_Wilson_                 0         0         5,826         36
51  Tracey_Ellis                0         0         5,744        132
52  N2OCapri                    0         0         5,510      2,377
53  fenix25                   185       513         5,333         35
54  Shanks                     29         0         4,355         27
55  TheDirts         +1       169       693         4,074         24
56  Oada_II          -1         0         0         3,857         53
57  Bethphage_GB                0         0         3,421         46
58  Bethphage_-_Ruth            0         0         3,229         74
59  Binlala                     0         0         3,057         26
60  wyntrblue                   0         0         2,950         16
61  MAOJC                       0         0         2,646      1,479
62  drezha                     69         0         2,336         20
63  metz2000                    0         0         2,312         32
64  Djondoh                     0         0         2,299         29
65  Feral_Elf                  34         0         2,241         15
66  Patrifer                    0         0         2,182         15
67  agd1                        0         0         1,913         59
68  Chas                        0         0         1,830         73
69  sirgaz                     65       226         1,815          9
70  Oada                        0         0         1,651         25
71  LP_TPR                      0         0         1,622         21
72  nelsongr                   58       404         1,410          9
73  TPR_Gizmo                   0         0         1,285         14
74  wnyotiel                    0         0         1,254        636
75  Muscler                     0         0         1,174         28
76  HairyMonster                0         0         1,147         46
77  dirtydog                    0         0         1,075         58
78  MAx-2001                    0         0         1,021          9
79  (TPR)Endre                 63       202           985          5
80  felix88                     0         0           973         29
81  Hidden_Spirit              58         0           961          3
82  Astin_Sutcliffe             0         0           951         10
83  PMM                         0         0           916         45
84  vortex                      0         0           768          7
85  bigsheff1                   0         0           713         14
86  Chuck_Lasher                0         0           686          7
87  Nowhere_Man                 0         0           631          3
88  Ian_D_(Kochanski)           0         0           542          6
89  Iven_Hartford               0         0           436         10
90  andyu                       0         0           408        254
91  nitRAM                      0         0           363        156
92  kwazywabbit                 0         0           308        150
93  Mincer                      0         0           289        169
94  Wigster                     0         0           277          8
95  dodinator                   0         0           261          7
96  NeoCow                      0         0           241          1
97  y                           0         0           236         10
98  Apex-                       0         0           202          6
99  Sajjid_Mehrban              0         0           189         80
100 Sandra                      0         0           158          7
101 gamith                      0         0           158          5
102 Siciliana                   0         0           155          1
103 noahm3                      0         0           132          6
104 Thrangar                    0         0            95         19
105 jimwyser                    0         0            80          3
106 Goody600                    0         0            73         37
107 Eremita                     0         0            57          2
108 Zoe                         0         0            49          2
109 IMFire3605_TPR              0         0            48          3
110 #                           0         0            45          3
111 Big_E_(Phoenix_Rising)      0         0            19          8
112 Monkeymia                   0         0            16          9
113 Besty77                     0         0            14          9
114 heavy-rotation              0         0             8          4
115 Johnnypf                    0         0             8          4
116 Spystar                     0         0             7          5
117 emil                        0         0             5          1
118 cha                         0         0             0          1
119 0                           0         0             0          2
120 AcEmAsTr                    0         0             0          3

NOTE: * Weekly totals re-set 02/04/06


[b]fenix25[/b] passes 5K


Team                        RankDiff    GainDaily          DateOvertake

CaRNaGGe                           4        2,431          5.6 Months
Team Austech.Info                 10        2,257          9.3 Months                   9        1,896          10.5 Months
The University of Alabama         12        2,259          11.9 Months
Hellas@Folding                    13        2,156          1.1 Years
klfteam1                          -3       -5,217          3.9 Weeks Forums            -5       -6,284          1.7 Months
Free Republic Folders            -45      -39,506          2 Months
SISD                             -53      -26,691          3.3 Months
Rotary Domination                 -2       -1,290          3.4 Months

All errors and ommissions are intentional :wink:
