Folding News 13/06/06

Number 57 in an occasional series :slight_smile:

Stats updated 13-06-06

TPR are ranked 96th. We have not moved and are 2 places and 28,100 points behind those Beefy fellows.

Our current overall points are 7,284,379 and the overall work units done are 89,562.

Todays total was 14,956 points from 35 active crunchers.

New Users

None :frowning:


None :slight_smile:

The Big Race 21/05/06 to 19/06/06 Day Twentythree

Top 20 Producers

   UserName     24hr Avg      Total

01 Nightlordy      2,982     50,451
02 TPR_Mulda       1,938    645,687
03 Double_Top      1,547    604,782
04 Mortlake        1,394    398,836
05 Alta_Rica       1,322    311,818
06 Peige             809    113,216
07 MrTFWitt          730     37,155
08 Stomping_Boyos    614      8,986
09 Crazydude         607    244,989
10 fenix25           548     29,233
11 step2000          476    394,614
12 kamiles           434    215,374
13 Curly99           395     84,982
14 Binlala           251      7,576
15 charlie1          244     24,093
16 OHS               219  1,271,512
17 neo76654          219      1,535
18 Hidden_Spirit     218      6,987
19 (TPR)Endre        214      6,137
20 tpr-wolf          208    951,317

Team Standings

    Name                 Daily Avg    Weekly* Points Total  WUs Total

01  OHS                        219       773     1,271,512     18,302
02  tpr-wolf                   208       254       951,317     16,774
03  TPR_Mulda                1,938     3,671       645,687      4,934
04  Double_Top               1,547     2,723       604,782      3,722
05  JUGGY                        0         0       505,043      5,936
06  Mortlake                 1,394     3,219       398,836      2,461
07  step2000                   476       866       394,614      3,110
08  Alta_Rica                1,322     2,638       311,818      4,427
09  Fadamor                      0         0       246,549      1,075
10  Crazydude                  607     1,187       244,989      1,454
11  kamiles                    434       815       215,374      1,498
12  Renata_and_Neal              0         0       193,836      1,253
13  Peige                      809       911       113,216        859
14  TPR_Beren                  175       172        90,662        710
15  Curly99                    395       653        84,982        953
16  ike                         57        44        57,347        479
17  Nightlordy            +1 2,982     5,986        50,451        269
18  ciipher               -1     0         0        48,376      1,235
19  mackerel                     0         0        45,981        408
20  Ian_D                        0         0        45,842        200
21  cougar_uk_2k                 0         0        40,112        172
22  MrTFWitt                   730     1,608        37,155        306
23  AvixI                        0         0        35,486        274
24  Speedo                      93       650        33,074        547
25  scoobie421                   0         0        30,066        105
26  fenix25                    548       921        29,233        157
27  SJ761                        0         0        28,183        222
28  markONE                      0         0        25,116      1,594
29  Ian_D_(Lister)               0         0        24,674        207
30  charlie1                   244       346        24,093        137
31  TPR_Mojo                     0         0        23,226      2,150
32  riddlermarc                  0         0        22,894        152
33  Ian_D_(Rimmer)               0         0        21,451        178
34  Bullseye                    90       132        20,874        173
35  BrianLeahy                  58       404        20,863        159
36  adventurevision              0         0        19,644      1,263
37  Ian_D_(Cat)                  0         0        19,055        343
38  Ian_D_(Kryten)               0         0        17,761        168
39  Gandelf                      0         0        17,285        497
40  Shanks                     199       778        14,426         87
41  alexbalmer                   0         0        13,589        981
42  Ian_D_(Holly)                0         0        13,326        133
43  TheDirts                   165       426        12,523         71
44  dillberry                    0         0        12,068         76
45  Ciccio                       0         0        11,702        318
46  barcode                      0         0        10,417        321
47  Abie                         0         0        10,270         87
48  Stomping_Boyos             614     1,245         8,986         75
49  drezha                     140       239         8,227         52
50  Binlala                    251       742         7,576         47
51  Hidden_Spirit              218       505         6,987      1,136
52  Andy_Young                   0         0         6,760         40
53  Nobby                        0         0         6,718        178
54  TPR_Aero                     0         0         6,552        239
55  [TPR]_Nigma                  0         0         6,551         71
56  Rangershash                  0         0         6,216        178
57  (TPR)Endre            +1   214       325         6,137         27
58  welrod45              -1     0         0         6,045         45
59  Tom_Wilson_                  0         0         5,826         36
60  Tracey_Ellis                 0         0         5,744        132
61  N2OCapri                     0         0         5,510      2,377
62  SLiM                       155       443         5,452         26
63  Billy_Grunow               150       402         4,599         21
64  striker46             +1   175       294         3,985         20
65  Oada_II               -1     0         0         3,857         53
66  Bethphage_GB                 0         0         3,421         46
67  BounceOut                  129       467         3,299         16

    Name                 Daily Avg    Weekly* Points Total  WUs Total

68  Bethphage_-_Ruth             0         0         3,229         74
69  Patrifer                     0         0         2,983         18
70  wyntrblue                    0         0         2,950         16
71  nelsongr                     6         0         2,907         19
72  MAOJC                        0         0         2,646      1,479
73  Feral_Elf                    0         0         2,582         17
74  metz2000b                    0         0         2,312         32
75  Djondoh                      0         0         2,299         29
76  agd1                         0         0         1,913         59
77  Chas                         0         0         1,830         73
78  sirgaz                       0         0         1,815          9
79  Oada                         0         0         1,651         25
80  LP_TPR                       0         0         1,622         21
81  No_Where_Man                 0         0         1,604          9
82  neo76654              +1   219       393         1,535          7
83  Zimdale               -1     0         0         1,417          7
84  Iven_Hartford                0         0         1,289         12
85  TPR_Gizmo                    0         0         1,285         14
86  MAx-2001                     0         0         1,262         10
87  wnyotiel                     0         0         1,254        636
88  Muscler                      0         0         1,174         28
89  HairyMonster                 0         0         1,147         46
90  dirtydog                     0         0         1,075         58
91  Steven_Harthon        +3   141       470           987          5
92  felix88               -1     0         0           973         29
93  Astin_Sutcliffe       -1     0         0           951         10
94  PMM                   -1     0         0           916         45
95  Damski                      57         0           785          7
96  vortex                       0         0           768          7
97  bigsheff1                    0         0           713         14
98  Chuck_Lasher                 0         0           686          7
99  Nowhere_Man                  0         0           631          3
100 Ian_D_(Kochanski)            0         0           542          6
101 Glitchmatrix                 0         0           445          2
102 andyu                        0         0           408        254
103 nitRAM                       0         0           363        156
104 kwazywabbit                  0         0           308        150
105 Mincer                       0         0           289        169
106 Wigster                      0         0           277          8
107 dodinator                    0         0           261          7
108 NeoCow                       0         0           241          1
109 y                            0         0           236         10
110 Apex-                        0         0           202          6
111 Sajjid_Mehrban               0         0           189         80
112 Sandra                       0         0           158          7
113 gamith                       0         0           158          5
114 Siciliana                    0         0           155          1
115 noahm3                       0         0           132          6
116 Thrangar                     0         0            95         19
117 jimwyser                     0         0            80          3
118 Goody600                     0         0            73         37
119 Eremita                      0         0            57          2
120 DoubleTop                    0         0            56          1
121 Zoe                          0         0            49          2
122 IMFire3605_TPR               0         0            48          3
123 #                            0         0            45          3
124 Big_E_(Phoenix_Risin6)       0         0            19          8
125 Monkeymia                    0         0            16          9
126 Stoming_Boyos                0         0            16          1
127 Besty77                      0         0            14          9
128 heavy-rotation               0         0             8          4
129 Johnnypf                     0         0             8          4
130 Spystar                      0         0             7          5
131 emil                         0         0             5          1
132 cha                          0         0             0          1
133 0                            0         0             0          2
134 AcEmAsTr                     0         0             0          3

NOTE: * Weekly totals re-set 11/06/06


[b]Nightlordy[/b] passes 50k 


Team                            RankDiff    GainDaily          DateOvertake

NCSU Wolfpack                          1        6,352          7.2 Hours                       3       12,309          1.8 Weeks
Team Austech.Info                      6        9,684          1 Month
The University of Alabama              5        7,689          1.2 Months
Hellas@Folding                        10       12,128          1.4 Months
Free Republic Folders                 -1      -27,103          4.3 Days
Ukraine                              -39      -16,822          5.5 Months
PC Magazine Greek Edition            -18       -4,336          11.8 Months
CHIP ASIA - Folding@Home Team        -58       -7,478          1.2 Years
University of Kentucky Systems Labs  -60       -6,476          1.4 Years

The Big Race 21/05/06 to 19/06/06

[b]Day 23 - 12/06/06 Totals[/b]

[b]the Rest[/b]      196,316    +8,423
[b]Stooges[/b]       171,070    +7,955

the stooges are feeling the heat and lag behind by 25,246 points

All errors and ommissions are intentional :wink:


Congrats on 50K Nightlord. Cheers!

Aye, congrats Nightlordy, especially in a short amount of time.

As for me, I have just added a P4 2.4Ghz at work to the fold.:smiley:

No, the senior systems people don’t know about it, but then it’s one of our ‘black box’ PC’s, which they don’t know exists. :stuck_out_tongue: Although they may now as it keep going through their firewall and proxy to talk to the internet. :eek:

Thanks for the news Curly.

It’s good to post some big numbers, but I think the Stooges are stuffed unless something dramatic happens in the next week:(

Anyway, it’s all for TPR and Stanford so that’s ok then:cool:

Congrats Nightlord :clap:

Production has gone up slightly for me again :smiley:

Don’t think that escaped my attention:(

Well done Nightlord and cheers Curly

Maybe it needs to be five stooges for the rest of the race .

The only way the stooges will win is if we change the name of TPR to Stooges :slight_smile:

Me thinks the stooges bit off more than they could chew :lol:

Aye, you may be right there. :frowning:

It’s interesting to look at the numbers: a difference of just over 1k per day on average - not that much across the 31 chasers.

I say that if the Stooges finnish anywhere near to The Rest we call it an honourable draw. :rolleyes:

Of course you lot could always suspend for a couple of days and we’d be right through you in no time. :lol:

compared to the date of the original challenge, the Stooges rate vs the rest we would have whooped you - but a simple race and they all come out the woodwork, which is a good thing for the project :thumbsup: All I can hope is that a lot of the newfound power and enthusiasm stays - i.e. a re-run is in order :devil: for which I personally WILL resolve all issues of running costs and heat :sneaky:

:thumbsup: to the Folders - a top notch performance, you’ve done so well you can all go off and participate in another race … :Plot: I mean come on with such a lead surely we can’t catch you up now :sneaky:


I love concesion speeches :slight_smile:

Good race everyone, and when the summer is over I will for sure be in the mood for another go. Mind you I will probably have increased my farms size somewhat. Bad news on one of my new rigs however. My dad had given me permission to install fah on his new computer. I stopped by today to give him more memory and put in some more fans and I looked at the logs and nothing was getting done. He shuts the new machine off too often and I wasn’t in the mood to convince him to leave it on 24/7. Plus I would rather monitor it myself at home, so no-go on 1 of 2 new systems. Thats ok… with conroe on the shelves and price drops all over, some new rigs may be just around the corner :slight_smile:

Well im on the way to getting a nice pentium D and I cant wait… end of this month and ill have a 8ghz cpu :smiley:

yay well technically not 8ghz :stuck_out_tongue: but meh :lol:

Which pentium D?
8x, 9x?

Now that im still thinking about might get the 805 for the overclocking ability… overclocks to 4ghz :smiley:

but even if I dont clock… the chips are a major stepup for me… as im used to runing a 1.8ghz p4 :frowning:

and I think its time to move on…

You will enjoy the added performance for sure, plus dual core so you can crunch twice as much. Looking at the possibly 2x D930 myself for the end of the summer. but if not, by Q1’07 for sure.

yes indeedy think it will be the 805…as its cheaper :slight_smile:

I dont like the look of conroe… as its going to be expensive on the purse strings :slight_smile: